Chapter 12 - Being Careful Where You Turn

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Kael didn't need near as much hinting to the mental health books as Michael thought. Kael had surrounded himself with tall stacks of mental health books, reading happily. He was a smart kid, but it helped that these books were simplified. Every once in a while, he asked a question and had Michael explain something or define a word.

Michael scooted over to Sarah and gave her a half hug.

Sarah leaned into him, not able to let go of the book and wrap her arms around him in time. "What's this for?" She looked up at him, smiling. "Not complaining though."

Michael grinned and squeezed her tighter. "I'm glad we did this. I was worried about the graveyard and that Kael wouldn't want to do this."

"He does seem more excited about mental health than monsters." She grinned and nudged him. "And hey, not everyone is as stubborn as you are, Michael."

He shyly pulled away. "That's fair. Twenty more minutes okay? Mr. Papper said we each could take two books. If you wanna look around, I'll stay with Kael."

Sarah considered this and nodded. "I'm fine with waiting for Kael though. He'll probably wanna explore, too."

"Sounds good." Michael opened his mouth, like he was going to say something else. Instead, he got up and went over to Kael to explain what he and Sarah just decided.

Sarah eyed the two for a minute, but she shrugged and carried on looking. She soon reached the middle of a chapter about Claimers, a spirit supposedly created by the Huntress herself but discarded for unknown reasons. They were now doomed to walk the earth, looking for a new master to claim as their own.

"Are you hungry yet?"

Sarah squeaked and jumped. The book fell from her fingertips, and she whipped around.

Her book hovered, gently closed, and floated up to Mr. Papper. He sighed heavily and traced another symbol on the book, which disappeared with an annoyed air almost as intense as Mr. Papper himself. He dusted his hands off and looked up at her. "If you're quite done distressing my books, are you hungry?"

"I'm sorry, but you startled me," Sarah fumbled. When Mr. Papper's face twisted with cold impatience, she nodded quickly. "I am. I imagine at least Kael is, too. Are you inviting us to eat with you?"


I'm so confused.

"But my husband is."

Mr. Papper didn't say unfortunately, but Sarah could tell that's what he meant. He glanced back at Kael and Michael, who were caught in the middle of reaching for a book on a high shelf, Kael on Michael's shoulders and Michael on his tip-toes. Kael's fingertips grazed the spine of the book, managing to touch it enough to make the book wobble.

Mr. Papper's eye twitched. He cleared his throat, sighed once more, and shoved his hands behind his back as if it was a weapon he needed to hold back. "Anyway," he said, clearing his throat. Something sparkled behind his back, but he didn't seem to notice. "Mr. Penn is asking you to join him in the parlor for tea and pastries, should you accept." He turned to Kael. "There's more childish refreshments as well."

Kael brightened as Michael set him down. "I like tea. Thank you, Mr. Papper!" He skipped over to Mr. Papper and put his hand over the librarian's arm.

Sarah could tell Mr. Papper held back a smile. He turned to Michael and handed him a book. "You may read this when we come back. I do not need to clean sticky jam or spilled tea off precious pages."

Michael nodded, placing it on a lower shelf. Mr. Papper's eye twitched again, and Michael stiffly walked across the hall to put it on a low table with their already chosen materials. When Mr. Papper looked away, Michael shot a look to Sarah that said "oh boy." Sarah cleared her throat to keep from laughing.

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