Chapter 12 - Coming Back

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Author's Note: This might seem a little out of nowhere, unless you carefully read the hints about it earlier. ;) 

~ Tirana Sorki

The Senate does accept them, even if they're reluctant about it. At the very least, Bail and a few of the others Obi-Wan knows are Rebel leaders are willing to give them support. Now, it'll just mean offering an official branch of peace to the Rebellion, and bringing the conflict to an end, which will be far easier now that Anakin is officially the Emperor, very grumpily, Obi-Wan might add.

"We are unprepared for this," Anakin says, clearly unhappy, as they look over some endless piles of documents.

Running an Empire looks like a nightmare.

"It is not significantly harder than the war effort," Obi-Wan objects. That's not entirely true, exactly, but they've had to adjust to majorly different ways of living before. This can't be that much harder.

"I have no desire to be Emperor," Anakin grumbles. At least he's willing to voice his opinion.

"One would have to be insane, to desire such a thing," Obi-Wan replies, amused.

He huffs. "You were the one who wanted to come here."

"That does not mean I had any desire to rule personally."

"There is scarcely a difference between installing me in your stead and having me fulfill your commands."

"The difference," Obi-Wan replies, with far too much smugness, "Is that I do not have to attend all the political meetings."

Anakin makes a grumpy noise. "No, you don't," he agrees, "But I can still ensure you have to."

"How?" Obi-Wan asks, half curious, half smug.

"Perhaps the Emperor will require an advisor present at all times," Anakin says, smirking. He looks way too gleeful. "Or a secretary."

Obi-Wan makes an incredulous noise. "Secretary?" he repeats, "I am not, under any conditions, filling that role."

"Why not?" Now, he looks like he's about to laugh. "You are the one who makes all the final decisions."

"That does not mean I need the job a droid can do." And it occurs to Obi-Wan right then that this is the first time he can remember Anakin looking so cheerful when talking to him.

"It couldn't be that difficult," he deadpans, "We've handled worse during the war."

"I have handled far more war related Council paperwork than you could imagine," Obi-Wan retorts, "That, I do not miss."

"I know," Anakin replies, "Because you had me help with it like half of them."

"That is impossible, seeing as you were not with me nearly enough for that."

"Perhaps that is because you always chose to torment me with it," Anakin replies, dryly.

"Torment?" Obi-Wan repeats, flatly, "That is quite the word for it."

"Also an accurate one, unfortunately."

This is the first time Anakin has actually teased him for anything since... in years. It's been years, and it's so familiar. He misses it. "Well, now you will have more assistance than any Council members ever did," Obi-Wan tells him.

"Tarkin's assistants," Anakin objects, "And Mas Amedda needs a replacement. I think you would fit that role best, Master."

He's probably not wrong. That doesn't mean Obi-Wan is about to agree though. "I am not attending constant Senate meetings, every single day. I will, perhaps, if my presence is truly required." But otherwise, definitely not.

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