Chapter 13 - Homecoming

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Author's Note: Enjoy the final chapter, and thank you all for reading, voting, and/or commenting! :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin isn't surprised when Padme shows up on Coruscant before they call her. She must've been in a panic after the twins disappeared, but they couldn't send a transmission to her without risking compromising her position. Until the galaxy was slightly more stable, there was little they could do.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to tell you about Luke and Leia sooner," he tells her.

"I saw on camera," she replies, "I checked our security immediately when we couldn't find them anywhere."


Of course.

At least she didn't spend the entire time worrying.

"I trust you've kept a close eye on them?"

"Yes. They are fine. And they have an entire squadron of babysitters," he adds, dryly.

Padme looks momentarily amused. "They need it."

"Yes. They do." It never fails to hurt when he's talking to her, remembering what was once between them. And now... now he has to address it again. "But there is something else I need to talk to you about."

"What?" She obviously picks up on the serious note in his voice.

Suddenly, it reminds him of how he made a very similar offer on Mustafar, and – he has no idea how she'll react to this. "I do not intend to remain as Emperor. Obi-Wan was suggesting that we... stage a marriage, so the galaxy will accept me turning the power over to you."

She's quiet for an almost agonizing long pause.

"I understand if you do not want it," he adds. He can't say he does, either. It's not like it would have to make this real again, though. He doesn't think he could handle that. Or that either of them could. Maybe someday, but not yet. Not now. (Especially not because, in the end, he will always have to put his master first. And of course, his children.)

"For the galaxy's sake, I can see your point," Padme replies, finally, "I do not know that I would want to remain a leader of the galaxy long-term, but at least for now, I am willing to take the position."

Anakin nods. "That is... all we need." Likely, she intends to convert it back to a Republic, and he has no idea what it will mean then, but he and Obi-Wan have already been working on dealing with the corruption, as much as they can.

"You know what this will mean for us. We will be around each other a lot," Padme says. Once, he would have been elated. He wishes Padme didn't remind him of everything he lost, even more than Obi-Wan. He would've had a family, but then – "I am willing to work with it so we can raise the twins together like we once wanted. But beyond that..."

"I do not want that either," he answers, evenly. He can only be direct about how he feels about this, if this arrangement will work. In a way, it almost makes him feel better that she's not comfortable with it, either. Anakin certainly isn't, and it would be very awkward for him if Padme still wanted it. He wouldn't be able to refuse, but he couldn't easily agree, either.

"Not now, at least," she agrees, staring up at him for a few long moments, "But I would like you to... stay close by, at least. The twins should get to know their father."

"I will," he answers firmly, and they leave it at that. He doesn't know if things will ever go past that, but he's alright with it if they don't. He doesn't care for... that with anyone anymore, at least not now. He has Obi-Wan, and Luke and Leia, and...

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