Chapter 1.

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(AUTHORS NOTE : Hey! 👋 So i'm making this book since my other Minji book was kind of discontinued due to me having no ideas so i thought of making this book, Enjoy!)


"RING RING RING" My alarm clock ringed as the daylight was shining on me.

"What time is it?" I yawned and looked at the alarm noticing i'm late again.

I ran to kitchen made myself a sandwich then went to take bath and dressed myself up.

I went to my grandma's room where she was resting on her bed before leaving.

"I'll be back later grammy.." I kissed her forehead as she smiled at me.

"My grandson never changes." She lightly said and smiled.

I smiled back as she ruffled my hair.

I went to my bike and drove all the way to the building.

We were behind bills so i had to cut off my transportation fees and i had a old bike so i just used this since.

I rushed to the company building as fast as i can.

Luckily everyone was busy so no one noticed me.

Except one.

"Hey Y/N, Late again huh." Sunji whispered.

"Yeah bro, I was working double time yesterday so I didn't have enough sleep." I put my head on the table with a tired face.

"Ah well.. You better get your ass working again since the CEO is coming for a meeting." He patted my shoulder.

"CEO?" I looked at him confused.


"It's been like a year or so and I haven't even seen his face and now he has to come at the wrong time?" I expressed my frustrations.

"To be clear it's a she.."

I looked at him even more confused.

"But when the boss talks about him or her.. He always say manly stuff about the CEO?" I took a sip of my morning coffee.

"Same reaction." He chuckled out.

"What are you two doing? Slacking off? GET BACK TO WORK!" Our boss shouted.

"YES BOSS!" We went back to our respective desks.

As i was typing on my keyboard I couldn't even be bothered at seeing the CEO.

It's a probably a old hag or something.

I noticed the office was more quiet than usual then i stood up to see a woman talking with the boss.

The woman then looked at me as i sat down on my chair.

The woman then looked at me as i sat down on my chair

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Loving The Real You. (Minji x Male Reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now