Chapter 2

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I woke up and found myself on a cage.

It was really dark but i saw a person sitting on a chair with the key.

"Hey! Can you let me out!" I shouted.

The figure looked back at me and it was me.

But alot more different but i cant point my finger on it.

The figure smiled and walked towards me.

As it was walking towards me i felt a weird sensation.

"You have not unlocked your fullest potential, The great one will save you and unlock the hidden you." He threw the keys to the ground and we looked to the right and we noticed.

There was a light.

As i looked back at the figure he disappeared but as i looked down i was getting dragged by a pile of skeletons.

"AHH!" I woke up from a nightmare.

I looked at my hands to find myself in a hospital room.

I was breathing heavily after the nightmare.

"Great one?" I was confused at what my doppelganger said.

"Ahh, Y/N Park! You're alive." The doctor opened the door and checked my vitals.

"Everything seems normal again!" He wrote some notes down.

"Where am i?" I asked the doctor.

"Well the boss sent you to this hospital.. since you got shot." He simply said.

He gave his clipboard to the nurse and left the room, but as he was leaving he stepped back and bowed to a woman that saved my life.

"MISS KIM, SO GOOD TO MEET YOU!" The doctor bowed down.

"Nice to meet you Doctor Min." The woman shook the doctor's hand.

But i can sense the doctor was scared.

I was still trying to process what was happening.

The doctor immediately left as soon as the woman waved him off.

The woman then walked towards me.

"Are you okay?" She pulled the blanket off.

We looked at my aided wound.


I looked at her just confused.

She chuckled at me.

"You got shot silly.." She took her jacket off and gave it to the man who accompanied her.

The man then bowed and took a gun off the jacket.

"ARE YOU GONNA SHOOT ME?" I stood up and went to the corner of the room just scared.

She continued to chuckle at me.

"It's not good to be in distress after waking up you know.." She smiled.

"BUT YOUR GONNA SHOOT ME!" I shouted in fear.

"YOU DONT TALK TO THE BOSS LIKE THAT!" The woman who was accompanying her stepped up with her fist all balled up.

Loving The Real You. (Minji x Male Reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now