Chapter 9.

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock as the sun shines on my face i wanted to keep sleeping.

I yawned and hugged my pillow and stopped my clock.


"SHIT I OVERSLEPT." I got up and tidied up my bed, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes to my work clothes (tuxedo).

I went outside of my room and looked at my watch to notice i was late by an hour .

I ran to the secret underground place and greeted the different workers i passed and went inside the meeting room to find Minji and the others.

"Y/N! Perfect not in time!" Hanni puts her hand out for a handshake.

Tsk, this girl...

"Hanni quiet.. Y/N take a seat your just in time actually." Minji stated.

I bowed and took my seat as Haewon slid me a cup of coffee.

"This should help."

I thanked her silently as i drank the coffee.

"Alright, So.. The "former" leader of the LSF has escaped." Minji spoke.

"WHAT?" Haerin shouted as we all looked surprised.

"It's not the worst thing that could happen, in fact I have already foreseen it and so did Yuki."

"Does that spy have to do something with this escape of her's?" Hyunjin glared at Yuki.

"No one's a spy, It's obvious what she could've done and luckily no one got harmed."

I continue to listen as if i understand the situation.

"Well, Our mission right now isnt any different than Chaewon's intentions." Danielle stated.

"What do you mean?" Yuki said.

"According to the data files i gathered, Chaewon has a secret group of trained individuals who were once part of LSF's and they're main mission.. To kill that shit head of a governor alongside the new boss of LSF"

Everyone looked at Danielle with a bit of shock in their eyes.

"I guess it can't be helped.. Contact the agent's from the other department's, This is war on whoever achieve's their goal."

Everyone nodded.

"Haerin and the squad dress up and get all the neccesary equipment, We're sending you in a hour..." Minji commanded as we bowed.

"YES MA'AM!" We then left the room except for Haerin and went towards our headquarters.

"Ahh, Another mission!" Haewon stretched her body.

"Yeah.." I chuckled knowing I probably would get killed today.

"Hey, Y/N ease up.. This is our second mission with you so far so we'll try our best to keep the rookie safe." Hyunjin patted my back.

"Yeah.. What Hyunjin said is kind of true, Except when i came to this group i almost got shot in the head." Haewon spaced out.

They laughed it off as i thought they were bluffing.

"You're not serious right?" They just went to the armory room to get our gear's.



"But boss! Y/N hasnt been properly trained and now you want him to go into this dangerous and important mission?" Hanni complained.

"Y/N would be the death of me! And possibly for the other's!"

"Hanni, When you came into my group were you anywhere as skilled as you are right now?" Minji turned her office chair towards Hanni.

"Well Um-"

"No, You warent and as far as i'm concerned Y/N is already equally skilled as the other's.. He may not have the willingness to kill other's but he gets the job cleanly."

"As from what we have observed from his first mission, He already contributed so much for the team.. Hell he even saved their asses."

Hanni just went completely silent.

Minji sighed.

"You don't have the trust for Y/N don't you?" Minji stood up and wore her coat.

Hanni lightly nodded.

"I know the real reason why you dont want him to be in the mission." Minji whispered into her ear as she left.

"Hey, This is my team by the way!" Haerin said and left.



"Well you guys ready?" Haerin stretched her body as the helicopter arrived.

"Never been ready my entire life!" Haewon jumped out of pure excitement as she went inside.

"Yeah, Especially when we're going on a mission with Jungwon again." Hyunjin said.

"Jungwon? Who's that?" Y/N asked.

"Well you can say his a master of his class." Hyunjin replied as he went inside the helicopter.

"Come on Y/N! You're the only one we're waiting for!" Haerin said.

"Oh, Yeah..."

"Kitty cats on 3!" Haerin shouted inside the helicopter.

"Kitty cats?"

"Kitty cats is somewhat our group name.. We were all against us but.. The leader threw off a tantrum" Hyunjin chuckled.

"Hey! That wasn't a tantrum you know!" Haerin bonked his head.

"Alright again since Hyun ruined it! Kitty Cats on 3! 1 2.."

"KITTY CATS!" We all shouted as we raised our arm up.



Loving The Real You. (Minji x Male Reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now