Chapter 6.

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"Y/N, Haewon do you copy?" Danielle asked through the earclip.

"Copy." We both said it at the same time.

"Good, Now find the bomb that should be in a case.."

"Case?" I asked not really sure if she meant what she said.

"Mhm, We don't know the actual reason why they're keeping it there but we have a theory they're going to detonate it during the acquaintance mascara party."

"It's not a theory.. It's his actual plan." Minji spoke.

I looked at Haerin who just happened to be munching some leftovers left by the scientists.

"That son of a bitch wants to take over the world and in doing so he wants to control the government, How you ask? Well he'll manipulate this shitty government by killing the president along with the vice."

"How does that work?" I asked.

"Well the House representative's already know about the governor's plan and since they think the governor is a "Good" candidate to be an actual leader then.. You know the rest."

"I see." I nodded.

"Ok! So i found the case boss, What do we do now?" I looked at Haerin being shocked that she found it so fast.

"Oh cmon, Don't look at me like that.. you'll get me flustered!" Haerin chuckled.

"Alright now lets get out of—"

Haewon was stopped when armed men swarmed into the room.

"Oh fuck..."

"SHIT SHIT SHIT.. THE SERVERS ARE GOING BACK UP." Danielle said while keyboard noises were heard.


"Damn it.. I knew it was too good to be true." Haerin spat on the floor.

We ducked under the concreted table.

"Shit they're shooting like crazy.." Haewon took a peek but i pulled her back before a bullet could hit her.

Haerin was still munching on her food like nothing happened.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL EATING?" I panically shouted at Haerin.

"Chillax Y/N! We're going to die soon might as well spend our last moment together eating something!" She continued to munched at her food.

I prayed to God for my last moments knowing that my final day would be doing something that would get me to hell.

Then Haerin shouted something.


She jumped off the table and threw the case at one of the guards causing him to fall down.

She took the suppressed gun from my pocket and shot two of them.

Haewon sneaked to the other side and took a lab glass and threw it to one of the guards.

Haerin rolled back to the table and peeked to shoot 2 more other guards.

Haerin took a knife from the table and slid a knife to Haewon as Haerin continued to try to hold them back.

Then Haerin's ammo jammed causing her to take cover again.

"More backups are coming." Haewon spoke through the earclip.

"Copy,Hyunjin enter." Minji replied.

I asked Haerin who Hyunjin is but she was too focused to even listen.

Loving The Real You. (Minji x Male Reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now