Chapter 7

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After a not so quiet ride on the helicopter.

"OUCH OUCH!! STOPP IT!!!" Chaewon wiggled as she was pinned by Haerin.

I looked at Hyunjin and Haewon who were fast asleep.

While Haerin was all serious, I moved near to talk to the pilot who was Rui.

"Wow, Didn't knew you can fly a helicopter." I chuckled.

"There's alot of thing's you dont know about me sir.." Rui stated.

"Well your a jacked dude with a high pitched voice so probably.." I chuckled again.

"Awh... Really?"

I nodded.

"How about this then." He pulled out his gun and pointed it towards me.

"I'LL KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" He loudly said with a deep scary voice.

"YO! CALM DOWN YO!" I put my arms up while shouting.

"Ha.. Fooled ya." Rui putted the gun back down.

"Shit man.. I knew it was fake and shit but that voice sounded scary." I sat back down.

"HEY! YOU THE NERDY BOY!! GET YOUR GIRL OFF MY BACK!!" Chaewon pointed at me.

Haerin ducked taped her mouth.

Then all i heard was mumbling.

After a few long minutes we have finally arrived back in the middle of nowhere.

We landed on top of the building as Minji and her men arrested Chaewon.

Danielle and Hanni were also with them.

"MMM MMM MM" All we heard was Chaewon mumbling because of the tape.

Minji then instantly took the duck tape off as Chaewon shouted in pain.


"Tsk.. Be quiet." Minji coldly said.

"And who are you supposed to be to be?" Chaewon raised a brow.

"Don't you talk to the boss like that!" Hanni balled her fist.

Minji commanded to make Hanni stop as she obeyed.

"Well.. Since you came from an enemy territory this won't be a nice stay, unless you cooperate." Minji stated.

"Tsk, I may have come from the "enemy" territory.. But i don't consider them as worthless sons of a bitches."

Minji nodded as both of the men walked Chaewon somewhere..

"Where will she be going?" I asked.

"Like i said.. Depends if she cooperates."

Hyunjin and Haewon get off the helicopter.

"That was a nice sleep!" Haewon yawned as Hyunjin tidied up his jacket.

Yuki then finally turned the helicopter off.

"Well.. Long story short the mission's situation became much worse.." Danielle spoke.

"Because of this kitty over here!" Hanni rubbed Haerin's hair as she purred like a cat.

"Did you guys bring the case?" Minji asked.

"Nope." I replied.

"If the case was ever brought here then.. worst case scenario we have to relocate.. And god I hate moving.." Hanni said.

"Obviously we knew that." Haewon replied.

"Yeah.. But it could've hold important clue's." Minji responded.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Let's talk about this in the meeting room.

We then went down while Haewon was whistling, Hyunjin was smiling, Haerin and Danielle were looking at each other then keeps looking back at us and while Hanni was annoyed.

I looked at Minji and noticed she was clinging into my hand.

She looked at me and smiled and continued to tighten our hands together.

"Tsk.." Hanni mumbled out.

We finally have arrived in the meeting room as everyone took a seat.

Danielle then opened the potential stuff that could happen if the bomb will be detonated.

"Cause world war.. 3?" I read as i was confused.

"Wasnt the first time.." Haewon chuckled.

"Yeah.. Especially with that one time." Hyunjin covered his mouth.

"Those warent big of a threat than this is." Hanni spoke.

"Wasnt the first time either you said that.." Haerin whistled.

"Quiet.." Minji silenced the room.

"Alright, Like i said .. The situation got worse, The Governor and his men has tighten up their security while also making us the public enemy." Danielle flashed the new's.


"Local charity shelter? That was far worst than that." I spoke.

"Well, Another great example of media manipulation." Danielle then flashed pictures of kid's who got affected by the "incident".

"They're getting paid to that.. Right?" Hyein spoke from the back.

"Mhm.. Don't worry Hyein, No one got affected." Minji smiled and patted Hyein's back.

"Good." Hyein smiled.

"We're going on an undercover mission tommorow, The boss of the LSF organization has been spotted not so far away from the city of Seoul." Danielle said.

Yuki then interupted Danielle.

"Um.. To clarify he isnt the actual boss."

We looked all eyes at him.

"It's the girl you guys captured.. She was our boss during my time with the LSF."

Minji spat her coffee out as they were all just shocked while i was just scrolling through my phone not giving two shits.

"WHAT?" They all screamed at the same time.


(AUTHORS NOTE : Hey! Long time no update hehe, I've been focusing on school work lately so i havent been able to update the book... But i'll get back to it after my busy days are done! Thanks for understanding.)

Loving The Real You. (Minji x Male Reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now