Chapter 11.

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As if this party wasn't frustrating for me it even got more frustrating.

The girl ran into me and quickly began to stand up ready to continue running away with her broken heels

"I'm so sorry!" She bowed, tossed her heels to me and ran away as the guards continued to chase her.


It looks like she dropped her wallet and didn't notice.

I opened it to see if there was an id and.. GADD DAMNN.


SHE LOOKS SO YOUNG but then again..

I read her name murmuring my lips..

"San..a Mina..."


I put on my earclip and tried to connect a call with Danielle.

"Shit, Guard's are coming again.." I hid the wallet behind my tuxedo and walked past them.

One guard stopped and looked at me but continue to walk away.

I went inside the comfort room and locked myself inside a stall.

I called Danielle again and reported it to her.

"Sana Minatozaki, A family member from the royal family of Japan.."

"No Shit!" Hanni shouted.

"SHUT UP HANNI! Sorry for that Y/N.." Danielle responded.

"For now keep the wallet, Until further notice."

We ended the call and i continued to walk back to the event room.

As i entered i noticed that Hyunjin has still been drinking yet managed to sustain all the alcohol.

"Jeez sunbae.. You really should stop drinking we havent even got to the main event."

"Oh.. Nah I'm a heavy drinker so i'm used to it, Plus the alcohol on this drink is close to zero so..."

"Alright but don't try to-"

Haerin then pulled the both of us out of the room.

Haewon then later catched up with us.

"So.. Change of plan's, LSF saw me and.."

A group of bodyguard's then swarmed around us as we also ready to pull out our gun's.. Well atleast they did, I had no proper training whatsoever.

The Governor then came with armed bodyguard's and prepared to shoot.

But before that the Governor said something.

"Coming here expecting to kill me, A bold move."

We all remained quiet.

"Don't expect me to not do the same.. Mister L/N.."

I pointed to myself not knowing why he called me or why he even knows me.

"Yuhiro is probably in hell right now" He laughed.

I dont know why but the name Yuhiro was.. Familiar.

He then snapped his fingers and left.

"Ahh Shit." Hyunjin puked on the ground as the guards laughed.

"Shouldnt have been drin-"


A bomb was thrown at the guards as the people heard the bomb they panicked and rushed out of the building as people were running out we saw the person who threw the bomb, It was Chaewon.. Just exactly like how she saved our asses before.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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