Chapter 10.

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"I spy with my little eye.. A white fluffy.."

"CLOUD!" Haewon cut Haerin off.

"You guys have been playing the same game over and over and you know what's the only thing you can spy? A CLOUD BECAUSE WE'RE LITERALLY IN THE SKY!" Hyunjin spoke frustrated.

"Wow jeez Hyunji.. Calm down it's just a game." Haerin rolled her eyes.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." Hyunjin replied as he felt guilty.

"You're still skeptical about Yuki huh.." Haewon lightly patted Hyunjin's back.

Hyunjin lightly nodded.

"I guess that explains why Yuki isn't driving us huh.." Y/N said as we all look at the pilot.

"Oh hey, I'm just a regular pilot by the way but i know the crazy shit Minji told me."

"Ah yeah

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"Ah yeah.." We awkwardly replied.

We slowly broke contact with the pilot as she also started to get uncomfortable with our stares.

"She's hot huh Y/N..." Haewon lightly teased Y/N.

"What? No!"

"Explain your reddish face." She smirked.


"Ahem.. Can you guys hear me?" Minji spoke through the earclip.

"Yes ma'am." Haerin replied.

"So our location is in a fancy event where tons of thousands of rich families gather annually."

I look at Haewon who wasnt that happy about the mission as she was.

"Our target is only the governor here, If anything comes in the way do the deed quietly but if it cant be handled report it to us immediatly." Danielle spoke.

"And don't forget some.. No, Tons of group's will be also in the party with their own mission's to fullfill so try not to stand out." Minji added.

"I also forgot to mention that luckily the event theme was a mascara party so everyone should have their own suits and mascara's inside the bag i gave to the pilot." Danielle then ended the transmission.

"OH YEAH, THE BAGS ARE ON THE BACK!" The pilot shouted.

"WE CAN HEAR YOU CLEARLY!" Haerin shouted back.


We finally landed somewhere far the area but the sound's of the party was booming so loud.

"Shit, That sound system is crazy!" I said as i was covering my ears.

"NO ITS NOT!" Haerin shouted.

"That's only because that's the party for the spoiled brats of the family, The formal event is on the side of the building." The pilot informed us.

Loving The Real You. (Minji x Male Reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now