Entrance exams

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I'm hyping myself up mentally while sitting in the auditorium, my quirk isnt very useful for robots but luckily I'm pretty strong, and have a somewhat visible 4pack.

I know i can probably sprinkle some devildust into the robots so they implode, before i came here i asked my friend (friends name) if i could build up my devildust, shes such a doll and she let me!

I watch carefully as president mic yells, and announces the 4 territories.

(TIMESKIP to outside the entrance exam)

I look around at my opponents until a girl catches my eye, she has orange hair back into a ponytail. I walk up to her, it's good to make friends early on

"Hello..." I say, trying to keep my shy persona.

She turns around confused.

"Oh! Hi, sorry I didn't see you." She scratches the back of her head

"Oh um..no worries..what's your n-name?" I look away "nervously". Seriously if I didn't have 2 fucking personalities I would never look away "nervously," or whatever.

"I'm itsuka kendo, but you can just call me kendo." She smiles sweetly.

"I'm l/n y/n, but y'know.." I fiddle with the end of my baggy shirt "y-you can just call me y/n.."
I internally cringe at my fake stuttering.

She nods as president mic says 'GO', we all start running as robots start to attack. I jump on one and produce devil dust as soon as possible and throw it on the robot as it explodes.

I knock robots down left and right.

20 minutes later it announced we have 1 minute left. So I got one more robot and smiled triumphly but my hand kinda hurt from producing so much dust.

We were sent home, but on my way I saw kendo again, I ran up to her.


She smiles and looks at me.

"I would like to say in touch with you! Here's my n-number!"

"Oh sweet okay,"

We exchange numbers and turn our ways to go home. Later I get a note in the mail, I open it making a small object fall out as it shoots a projecter screen with allmight on it.

I raise an eyebrow as he sweatdrops and tells me I came in 9th place and I've been accepted.

"Okay s-sir.." I smile as the hologram disappears
"FUCK YEAH!" I shout, I knew I would get in but it's not a bad idea to celebrate, I text kendo saying

I got in, and she did too. I felt really good knowing I wouldn't be alone. I still don't know what class I'm in, maybe we'll get a paper sooner than later telling us.

(The next day aka 2 days before leaving to UA)

I get a paper telling me all my information, my locker code and number, my dorm code and which dorm building I'm staying in and my class. Turns out I have class 1-A.

I asked kendo what class she got and unfortunately she's in 1-B.
I did feel a little upset but I know I'll make new victim- friends.

2 days later.

I smirk and started packing all my shit together.
My mom and dad were waiting for me by the door,
I sighed. My dad gave me and akward hug and my mom hugged me tightly.

"Beat their asses honey, I know what power you hold." She whispers in my ear as she stops hugging me, "also if you get a boyfriend or girlfriend, let us know immediately, we wanna meet them!" Her demeanor changes immediately.

I roll my eyes, "i'll be sure to let you guys know."
The train pulls up, as I look out the window at it.
"Shit, I have to go, love you both!"
I wave and run out the door, boarding the bus. I look around for a place to sit.

Many old people and douchebags taking up 2 seats until I see familiar orange hair

"Kendo!" I put my timid persona on once more and smile at her, she looks directly at me and smiles, she pats the seat next to her.

"I'm so excited! Too bad we don't have the same homeroom though." She looks disappointed and so do I "I'll make sure to say hi to you every morning before class starts!" I say in a bubbly tone, I cringe again.

She nods and we start talking, about an hour later we arrive at UA, we take our stuff and walk up to the front gates, many students walking past us.
We smile at eachother and step into the school area at the same time.

Both of us giggle and start walking to our home room.
"S-see you later kendo.."

She waves and walks to her class down the hall.

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