UA sports festival

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I low-key forgot what it was called but y'all know what I mean 😭

Your pov

I woke up excitedly, getting out of bed. Today's my day to shine, bitch.
I go to take a shower grabbing the cover momo made me. I got dressed in that ugly blue and white uniform, I made sure it was baggy. I headed out the door.

On my way there I put my hair in a ponytail (if it's short just ignore).

We started on the first competition, I got passed it pretty easily, dodging todorokis attacks, landmine was a little bit more difficult. That fucker midoriya made a huge explosion and got past first.

We then had to pick teams, me kendo, momo and Mina teamed, we were top 5 but we were top 10, so that's pretty good. I saw that blonde boy again, he's so fine.

I think I did pretty average, all I know is I didn't pass the finish line last.

We did a couple other things until president mic announced we're doing "battles" (Lowkey forgot what they were called)

2 people were called to fight(I forgot who went first), I watch them as the winner celebrated. This went on until I was up next. tetsutetsu and kirishima just went against eachother.

Apparently I'm going against this guy name Yosetsu Awase he's kinda cute but not my type, if I win I might wanna kiss him so i get more devildust for upcoming battles..

I went into the changing room and changed into a tight, smaller blue uniform I unbuttoned the first 2 buttons making my cleavage pop, I smirked and looked into the mirror walking into the waiting room.

I knew I would win. Yosestus quirk wasn't too amazing so I think I could get past him.
I smirked as we were called out.

As I walked out I smiled knowing kendo was watching..waiting for my plan to start.

When I walked out I could tell my class was surprised. They didn't know how curved my body was. I smiled confidently and blew a kiss to the audience as the crowd cheered me on.

Yosetsu looked at me stunned, he didn't know a body like your existed, I guess you could say momo body was similar but your chest was bigger and so was your lower half while staying skinny on the waist.

I was finally able to let my true self out. I smiled sweetly at Yosetsu as he looked away sweating a small blush prominent on his face. I applied some special lipstick.

"Why are you putting on makeup during a match??"

He sounded so confused

"Is it so bad for a girl to use makeup?"

He didn't respond but just watched me.

Present mic yelled "AND GOOO!"

He stared at me as he got into a battle stance I produced some devildust while putting my lipstick away, I throw the devildust on the ground making the whole area dusty. When the dust cleared I was right behind Yosetsu.

The crowd went silent. I snuck up behind him. And grabbed him from behind this caught him off guard as I had some premade devildust in my hand. I forced my hand over his mouth and nose as he tried to claw my hand off of him I was stronger.

I wrapped my other arm around his waist seductively moving my hand around his chest here and there just to tease as my other hand stayed cupped over his mouth and nose, he fell too his knees, I was still behind him just bending over.

Him being forced to inhale the devil dust, he almost passed out just when I take my hand off his mouth and around his neck making him look at me as I lean in and kiss him aggressively, knowing I'm producing more devildust by the second.

The crowd is gasping, blushing, looking away, you name it, even the teachers were shocked. They've never seen your quirk in action. The tvs were locked in on me and Yosetsu kissing, my cleavage pushed against his back and my free arm was wrapped around his chest. My other hand around his throat. Even though he was half conscious he was still surprised.

His eyes rolled back as he shut his eyes and fell unconscious. I let him fall and stood up fully taking my arm and wiping it across my mouth getting the lipstick off.

The crowd was silent.

The tv zoomed in on my smug face.

"Looks like I won~"

The crowd cheered violently, present mic and Mr aizawa were too shocked to comment on anything. Midnight walked over to me and grabbed my wrist and held it in the air

Midnight looked at me," y'know kid, your perfect to be my sidekick~."
The R rated hero midnight just offered me to become her sidekick? fuck yes.

"Well in that case I'll be looking forward to working for you~" a devilish smirks found it's way onto my face. I blew another kiss to the crowd and walked away as a robot came over to get Yosetsu to recovery girl.

Should I change? Nah, they've seen my true colors already, no need. I walked back up to the stadium with class1-A.

They turned to look at me I grabbed my ponytail and pulled it out letting my hair fall onto my shoulders, I walk over by kirishima and sit down, I can feel eyes on me.

"What the heck was that??" I turn to denki, blush scattered apon everyone's faces.

"Just letting my true self shine through, putting on that timid shy persona was just straight stupid, but it worked right? I won, and shocked people, win win"

Everyone stared at me until we heard a voice, we look over to see that blonde guy..monoma? Over the ledge and yelling at us.

"You all propably think your better than us huh?" He kept rambling on and on and on and- you get it. Everyone was glaring at him, a hateful dark mist surrounding us.

But not me I put my elbow on the armrest and rested my head on my hand and stared at him in amusement

"Your cute"

I say out of the blue catching everyone off guard even him, he stops his yapping and just stares at me, his jaw hangs open surprised as he cocks an eyebrow

the whole class yells simultaneously.
I smirk and look at him I stand up and walk over to him.

Without any hesitation I asked
"Can I get your number?"

He looks just as confused as the rest of the class

"HUH??" he yells but before he can answer kendo comes over and hits him on the back of the neck, knocking him out.

"Sorry everyone" kendo says and peeks her head over.

"Kiki!! Hii!!" I look at her smiling

"Huh? Oh hey n/n"

"Say can you give this too monoma when we wakes up? Thanks!"
I give her a price on paper with my number on it

"Ugh sure you little pervert" she smiles and walks takes monoma back to class 1-b

I start laughing and sit back down in my seat.

"You are full of surprises, granted some not so great.." kirishima looks away referring to your interest in monoma.

I laugh, "I am aren't I?"

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