Lime in the Lunchroom

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If yall dont understand the title, im saying 'Lime' cause its cut off smut, so not much happens but enough to..whatever, yknow.

Lets BEGIN !

Neito; "your insufferable, yknow that?"

You check your phone from the notification, reading the message with a small smirk,

You; "aw, texting me first? And here id thought id have to text you."

neito; "whatever, ill have you know im just giving you the privilege. your lucky you have such an amazing guy texting you."

he scoffs, but a hint of a smile can be seen on his face as he types.

You; "oh am i now? How amazing, that was sarcastic, by the way- oh! Tomorrow we should definitely have lunch together, yeah? I wanna see your pretty face again."

You laugh at his self absorbed nature, god hes so annoying! neito is caught off guard, his cheeks going a shade of pink.

neito; "i dont see why not. only because I want to see your ugly mug again too."

You laughed at his comment, finding it endearing, as you placed a hand against your chest, leaning back on your bed, holding the phone with your free hand,

You; "You know just how to flatter me. I'll see you tomorrow~"

neito; "ill see you then. dont be late."

he puts his phone down, running a hand through his hair while the other was over his chest, over his heart. it was beating quite fast from the excitement.

You; "I wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart."

You grinned to yourself and set you phone aside before staring up at the ceiling, a soft smile on your face as you thought about tomorrow.

he couldnt believe you keep calling him that..

he tried to keep his composure but his heart kept fluttering and his cheeks were a vibrant color before he just laid on his bed.

"im such a fool."

he muttered. he was a mess with a crush.
Despite acting out your emotions, your gaze darkened as you thought about Monoma, you loved when he acted like a cocky prick, because when you finally put him in his place, he would always act all flustered..

It was adorable really.

that was the thing that drew you to him. the guy was egotistical and cocky as all hell- but when put in his place he would become a shy and flustered mess that you just couldnt get enough of.

and Monoma had a feeling this lunch would only give him another experience the first time that happened.

it wasnt long till lunch rolled around. after all that time finally passed, now it was time for lunch!

Monoma was waiting next to the door of her class. he was on his phone with a bored look but in reality he was nervous and was just waiting for you to come out.

As you stepped out of the classroom, you glanced down at Monoma, a smirk spreading across your lips before you wrapped your arms around him from behind, a teasing tone coating your voice..

"What's up, pretty boy?"

he nearly dropped his phone as you caught him off guard completely. he was clearly not expecting that.  he was a blushing mess, the moment you appeared, his brain simply ceased functioning. 

he fumbled over his words for a few seconds before regaining what was left of his composure. 

"h-how long were you there? i- i wasn’t just stand here all that time, i actually just got here," he huffed. "anyways!  s-shall we get lunch? im.. im hungry."

Monoma Neito x Fem! reader Where stories live. Discover now