oh he's crazy crazy

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Your pov

I wake up and walk to the shower room, I get in there to see all the girls naked and
washing there body's, I remember my persona and look away embarrassed, momo see this and walks up to me,

I look her in the eyes nervously,

"Good morning y/n, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay but I feel extremely uncomfortable washing Infront of everyone.."
I look away

She looks sympathetic and looks like she's thinking,

"I could make a cover for you?"

"Really?? That would mean so much too me!!"
I smile and she makes a cover for me, I take it and undress in the bathroom stall, I come around with the cover wrapped around my body.

I go under the shower and wash myself, making sure I have a tight grip on the cover. I finish up my shower and walk out and get into my baggy uniform.

God will this ever get interesting.

About 14 days later the USJ was attacked, I wasn't able to interfere to much, I beat up a couple villains but ended up stuck with jirou, denki and momo.

It was this whole deal and they still continued with the UA tournament or whatever. Of course I think I'll do pretty well, maybe not win but it'll be my time to shine!

Later that night after school in my dorm I decided to call kendo. I told her about my quirk and my plan, she decided to go along with it.

We talked for hours after that just because it's fun, also did I mention I've kept waving to that one person? I was on call with kendo when I walked out on my balcony and I saw that one person.

"Kendo the person's walking out again"
"That same guy? What's the number under there balcony, I might be able to see who belongs to that dorm"
"That would be awesome! The numbers 17"
I waved at the mysterious person and walked back inside.
"Okay i got to go I'll text you when I find out whose there."
"Okay thanks kendo, see you tomorrow?"
"Okay bye babes!"

I hug up the phone taking a breathe of fresh air knowing I don't have to hide my true self from kendo.

I heard a knock on my door.
i open it up to see Mina and momo.

"Hey we're heading to dinner, wanna come with?" Momo asked


While we were walking we met up with kendo and she walked with us, we were all talking and laughing.
We walked out of the dorms to the main UA building to get to the cafeteria. While we were walking this boy with blonde hair and blue eyes with white pupil's passed us.

Time stopped, everything was going in slowed down as we locked eyes, I saw his face go pink as I..not glared but squinted? At him both of us felt the same, why though?

Time went back to normal, we kept walking out own ways, but I felt him look back, so I looked back at him. I waved and he waved.

Kendo seemed to notice. "He was cute" i whispered into kendos direction

She looked shocked. "Him?? Seriously?"
She whispered all I did is smile pervertedly, going into thought of all the things i could do with him.

"Knock it off" a faint embarrassment could be seen as she shuck me around slightly getting me to snap out of it.

Momo and Mina looked at us.

"Everything okay?" Mina asked worriedly

"Yeah! Just thought I saw a...a bug on y/n! That's all"

I played along and started pretending to shake as if I was scared,

"I hate bugs so I kinda freaked out sorry guys"
I shuttered

"Oh..okay?" Mina was suspicious but shrugged it off as we got in line for food.
We got our food and sat down I looked in the corner in my eye and saw that one blondie staring at me.

Mina and momo were deep in conversation so I nudged kendo and whispered
"He's staring at me again" a seductive look played on my face as I waved at him. And look at that! he waved back and looked away see his face was pink.

I giggled as kendo looked disgusted.

"Your taste in men is terrible n/n"
"Why thank you kiki~"
(Kiki is a nickname for kendo, her name is kendo itsuka, the first letter of each name together, "ki" and then double it, Kiki)

My true self was showing a little bit more than I wanted and I immediately turned shy again scared that someone would catch on.

"Soo are you guys excited for tomorrow?" Kendo tried to spark up a conversation

I nodded as Mina and Momo started talking about moves they might use.

After we ate, we cleaned up and started heading back to our dorm buildings, momo and Mina went ahead as I pulled kendo to the side.

"Have you found out who's in that one dorm? The guy I keep waving too, I have a strong feeling it's that Blondie that wouldn't take his eyes off me, then again no one can," I smirked and looked at kendo excitedly.

Kendo shook her head "not yet but I think your onto something"

"What was that Blondies name?"

"Ugh..monoma, neito monoma, he's annoying."

"OOO I love an annoying blonde twink"  I muttered loud enough for kendo to hear as she rolled her eyes and groaned.

I laughed and hugged her she hugged back and we parted ways, I walked up to the dorms and went straight to my room, I was too tired to engage in human contact so I walked quickly.

I walked into my dorm and go into PJs, walked out onto the balcony to wave to that one guy, but he wasn't there I was disappointed but I walked back inside.

I go in bed and fell asleep slowly. Blinking until I finally reached slumber.

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