Lemon ♡🍋

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Please enjoy its like 4am rn 🥹..

As Monoma made his way to his next class, his mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of you, the way your touch sent shocks through his body, and the way your seductive voice haunted his senses. He couldn't shake off the lingering effect you had on him, and the thought of being able to return the favor consumed his thoughts.

As he settled into his seat, his body was still a mess, his breathing still slightly erratic and his mind racing. He took deep breaths to calm himself but found himself constantly distracted, unable to focus on anything but the memory of your touch.

he suddenly got a message from you..he was already trying to get himself together when his phone buzzed, he looked down and saw a message, a smile spread across his face when he saw it was from you. 

it was like your message sent a new round of adrenaline through him, the memory and feeling of your touch was renewed as thoughts ran through his head. he was thankful that his seat wasn't very visible as he opened the message and he felt his heart skip a beat at the contents.

You; "Meet me after school in my dorm, You know where it is, don't be late, pretty boy."

As soon as he read the message, he felt a mix of excitement and anticipation flutter in his stomach. His mind started racing with questions about what you had planned for him once they met. But there was no denying the excitement that coursed through his veins. his heart leapt in his chest at the message, a grin of excitement on his face as he quickly messaged back.

Neito; "I'll be there, dont worry about it."

he couldn't focus at all as the message brought up so many images and thoughts that he had to will his body to keep itself under control until the end of the day. he impatiently counted down the hours until class was over.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the day, Monoma quickly gathered his belongings and rushed out of the classroom, his thoughts focused solely on the message he had received earlier.

With determined steps, he navigated his way through the crowded halls and made his way to your dorm, eager to see what was in store for him.

As he approached your dorm door, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nerves. He took a deep breath, and gently knocked on the door, ready for whatever awaited him on the other side. As he waited nervously for a reply, he could hear faint sounds coming from inside the dorm. After a brief moment, there was a click, the door handle turned, and the door slowly opened to reveal you standing in the doorway, a sly smile on your lips.

"Good boy," you purred, your voice dripping with sultriness. You stepped back slightly, gesturing for him to enter your dorm room. the faint sounds had his head reeling, imagining what you could've been doing in there before he arrived, he nearly stopped breathing the moment the door opened, he nearly stumbled through the doorway. he struggled to find his voice as his mouth went dry. 

"I-Is my princess ready for me?" he cursed his own stutter as he managed to get out his own teasing reply. You watched him stumble and struggled with amusement before you shrugged,

"hmm, good question.."

Your smirk widened as you pinned him against the wall, your body pressed onto his,

"so, are you ready, princess?~"

his cheeks flushed red as you pinned him to the wall, feeling your body against his had him shuddering slightly, his breath quickened as heat began to build in his stomach. 

he couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped his lips at the sound of her teasing nickname for him and he could already feel his cock getting harder as he looked into your eyes. he tried to hold onto his composure as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip.  
"you have no idea."

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