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Hey, its been about a year since ive even logged into this account, i decided ill continue this story.

Ive decided to change a few things up, as your quirk is no longer called poison x or whatever.

The abilities itself will stay the same with the kissing or whatever, but the new name is simply called XXX for kisses and also its a term for sex itself, so it just works out.

To go over some new additions, i have no idea why i Said yall are 5'3, it has nothing to do with the story, you can be 6 feet tall or 4 feet tall, literally any height you want, idgaf. As for personality, the 'shy persona' will not be used soforth, there MIGHT be a reference or two about it but it wont be used.

The consistent personality ill continue with is overly confident, bold, nonchalant, sassy, slightly egotistical, flirtatious, sadistic (to an extent), temperamental, and perverted.

Let's begin this story, yeah?

(Also instead of using the pronouns 'i, me, my' im going to use 'you, yours, you'res.')

After youve gaven that blondie your number, or as youve found out, monoma neito, youve been awaiting a text or a phone call at least!

A few hours past, its after school as youve entered your dimmed bedroom, the bedsheets slightly creased due to sleeping the previous night, you changed out of your UA uniform as you plopped down on your bed before your phone pinged.

You perked up as you stared at your phone for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow, you grab your phone and see an unknown number texted you.

?; "hello? Ive been told by my classmate you wanted me to text you."

Ohhh, its that blonde guy that was yelling earlier! How cute.

You; "hm, oh right. Neito, yes?"

?; "yeah, thats me, kendo also tell you that? What else she tell you? How amazing class 1-B is?"

You; "not necessarily."

Neito; "right. Who is this?"

You; "thats the funny thing, you dont even know my name. Im that girl from class 1-A with the (color) hair, with the (hairstyle; braids, ponytails, cornrows, curls, straightened..or if you got short hair, ignore this ♡) hair."

Neito; "oh. Its you. The one who called me cute.."

You; "yes, that is i, congrats on finding it out, sweetheart."

Neito; "ugh! Of course you like me..with your pretty eyes and"

You; "and?"

Neito; "shut it! I didnt mean to press send."

You; "okay than, see you tomorrow, sweetheart."

Neito; "never in a million years."

You laughed to yourself as you saw his messages, god. Hes such a brat. How cute! You turned your phone off as you fell asleep in your bed, your eyelids shutting closed.

The next day at school you entered the classroom wearing your attire, a few students still a bit unused to yout genuine demeanor. They knew you by tour shy, timid, kind self! Not your...mess of a personality now. Not that its a bad thing! Just now people are questioning themselves and denkis questioning if hes into women that are terrifying like you.

You sit down at your seat boredly as you stare at the board before you hear bakugo start yelling and going off on iida, whos simply trying to teach bakugo manners of the sorts,

You scoff, its pretty amusing actually, but jesus christ! Bakugos annoying as hell, and not in the good way like neito,

"Goddamnit, shut up already!"
You shouted over at bakugo who only retorted loudly,

"Me? Your telling me to shut up! Your the one who likes the prick from 1-B!"

You deadpanned at him as you scowled, "right! That same prick you lost to?"

Just as bakugo was going to yell back, aizawa walked in. You grumbled and leaned back in your seat, folding your arms as your foot tapped the ground unconsciously. A few hours after classes, it was finally lunch time. You talked with mina, jiro, kendo and a few others before dismissing yourself to find that blonde fuckass you love so much.

You sauntered down the lunchroom isles, your eyes lazily looking around before you spotted that familiar head of hair and dont forget that body. What? He has a nice ass.

You walked up behind him and put your hand on his shoulder, you turned him around as he glared, slight shocked but he looked a bit flustered once he saw your face,

"Oh, its you."

Neito suddenly grinned as his eyebrows furrowed, "that girl from 1-A! The one thats hopelessly inlove with me- of course you should be, everyone should be..i mean who wouldn't its-"

You stared in amusement before shoving your hand over his mouth and leaning in, your eyes locking with his as you moved your hand to grip his chin instead, your thumb firmly placed on his soft pink lips.

"Keep up this chattin' and I'll be sure to give this pretty mouth of yours a different use."

Your smirked darkened as you leaned in a bit more, neito felt his stomach drop, butterflies immediately started as his face flushed once more, he leaned back as ypur grip on his jaw was still prominent,

"I- uh! You will not do any of the sorts.."

Hm..empty threats, how bleak. You let go of his jaw, you leaned in once more as your grin only widened from there,

"We will see about that, sweetheart." You leaned in and kissed his cheek, making sure to leave a small kiss mark in the process.

You turned on your heals and began walking off, not bothering to look back at the bright red flushed man.

(Hopefully this is enough for now! Ill make more in the future!)

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