Ring Ring

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His phone rang, and he ignored it.

Steve pushed his hair back as he sat on the island, eating some pistachio ice cream. He kicked his legs, listening to the phone ring, an unknown number, probably some creep or a spam caller.

He finished the ice cream and placed the carton on the other side of the island, waiting for his boyfriends to get home from work, Billy, a lifeguard,  while Eddie works at the guitar store in the mall. The phone rang again, making steve groan in annoyance  as he let it ring again. And again




No voicemails were left though, just kept calling.

Finally, steve answered the phone

"Hello?!" He basically shouted into the phone.

"Hello, is Edward there?"  The voice from the other line, a male steve decided,  said, almost croaking.

This took steve aback, in shock of how this guy knew his boyfriends name.

"No he's not home right now. Say, how did you get this number? This is supposed to be  a private landline." Steve said, left hand holding the phone up to his ear. He jumped off of the marble counter and placed around the kitchen, waiting for an answer.

Silence, then..

"What's your favorite movie?" The man asked him, making steve smile a bit, he actually seems nice.  Maybe I can trust him

"The breakfast club, why?" He asks, giggling a bit as he sits on the counter again.

"No reason. You like horror movies?" The voice asks again.

"Not really" Steve giggles into the mic, smiling.

"You got a partner?" The man asks him

"Why? You wanna ask me on a date?"

"Maybe, what's your name?"

" Why?" Steve says, smilel faltering, he frowns

"Because I wanna know who I'm looking at princess."

He stopped, Steve's heart skipped beats

"Excuse me?!" Steve said rudely into the phone,

That's when the phone line was cut, along with the lights. The only lights were the candles steve lit a couple hours earlier, it was night now, but they didn't help him too much.

As fast he could he opened the cupboard under the sink and grabbed his bat, baring it out as he slowly backed into the living room.

"Such a pretty boy"

The hair on the back of Steve's neck stood on end,  along with his arm hair. "Wh-who are you?" Steve asked, whimpering.

" That's a verrry bigg secret sweetheart. Say, if you comply and come with me, nobody gets hurt." The voice said and steve turned his head to the right to see a Person dressed in all black, with a ghastly mask on his face,

"Wha-What do you mean hurt?" Steve stutters, the Man smiles through his mask, "Sweetheart," steve winced, " I've got this huge knife," he Motioned to his knife, " and you've got a fucking bat with nails in it, eventually someone will get their face or body fucked up, and I'd rather you than me."

"P-please, i-i have 2 boyfriends, l-leave me alone" Steve whimpers and backs into someone and falls onto the couch, dropping the bat a few feet away from the other man.

"Ohhh so you do have a partner~" The man said, chuckling lowly.

"2." Steve said through gritted teeth, "First of all, don't you even raise your voice to me," the Man said, walking over to steve and placing a hand on his neck, squeezing a little, making steve struggle to breathe

"Secondly,  you're coming with me."

Steve tried shaking his head and put both of his hands on the forearm of the intruder, forcing his hand off and steve pushes him to the ground.

Steve races and grabs his nail bat, then he sprints to the front door, trying to open it, but it seemed locked from the outside, steve didn't know how it was possible,  but it was.

Billy and eddie should be home by now! What the fuck!

Steve looks around and looks through the peephole to see eddie and billy pull in on Billy's motorcycle, steve took this as an opportunity

He started pounding on the door


"HELP ME P-" Steves mouth was covered by the intruder. "Say one more word and I'll fucking slice your neck open." He growled in Steve's ear. Steve whimpered and shook, taking his hand down from the door and placing it down by his side

"Good boy" The male growled into steves ear, making steve whimper another time as the male led him away from the front door and pushed him onto the couch, keeping the knife to his neck. He then realized that there was two of them, two in masks, two in black.

Two fucking intruders.

Steve made a small noise before quietly crying, raising his shaking hands to cover his face l, carefully avoiding the knife to the front of his neck,

One of the men chuckled, the other sat next to steve,

And that's when the living room door burst open, by none other than Billy Hargrove with Eddie Munson

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Billy shouted, making steve flinch, the man who held the knife to Steve's neck chuckled, "These the big bad partners that would protect you honey?" He said into Steve's ear loudly, making steve sob a little louder

"Let- me go" Steve said through sobs and hiccups. "No can do sweets " The other man said.

"Let him go." Eddie said, picking up Steve's bat, while billy has a hatchet.

"Fine, fine." The man took the knife away from Steve's neck and got off the couch

Him and the other man exited the house with guidance from Billy

Eddie sat on the couch, dropping Steve's bat. Eddie comforted his boyfriend,  his heart breaking as he saw the younger shake and sob, Eddie let Steve sit on his lap, facing him. Eddie rubbed Steve's back and whispered words of comfort to his submissive.

Billy walked in, fists clenched,  releasing them when he sees his submissive in such distress and discomfort  "Oh...stevie.." he whispers, placing his hands over his mouth and he walks to the sofa and sits down on Eddie's side, placing his hand on Steve's cheek, making him flinch.

Eddie and billy shared a look.

"Hey hey princess ," billy started, making steve look up, tears rolling down his cheeks, his hazel  nut brown eyes big and watery.

"You're okay, we've got you." Eddie finishes for billy, knowing he doesnt have the strength to finish as he sees the hurt on Steve face.

They talk and decide on one thing

"Don't answer the phone unless one of us is home."

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