Jealousy can kill, baby

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3rd person pov:

Billy sat on the front lawn of the Mayfield trailer, radio blasting, shades sliding off his face. He was sprawled out on the lawn chair, cool beer in hand as he watched the BMW pull into the Munson trailer,  straight across from his.

The backdoors opened and out flooded children, Steve Harrington is a mother hen. The thought made him snort. He heard the front door open behind him and flinched


Max walked out of the trailer, skateboard in hand as she walked across the street, not bother to look both ways. Billy's noticed she's got more of a ' My way or the highway ' attitude then himself sometimes. He smirked as he took another swig at his beer, finishing it.

The younger wheeler kid -- Mike-- was knocking furiously on the door to the Munson trailer and billy actually laughed but felt bad for his boyfriend at the same time, he slept all through the day. Even from where he was sitting he could hear the clash and clatter of him getting up quickly to answer the door

When he opens the door his hair is what could only be described as a rat's nest. Billy just couldn't help himself

"YOU GOT SOME BIRDS IN THAT?!" He yelled jokingly, and eddie knew that, "YEAH AND SOME BEES YOU WANNA COME CHECK IT OUT?!" Eddie replied,  knowing exactly what he was doing.

Steve was standing next to eddie, face in hands, the top of his ears were pink as he groaned, "Guysssss there's kidssss shut uppppp." Billy chuckled and leaned over the side of his chair, turning off the radio and getting off the chair. He slid on his Adidas, not bothering to put them on correctly as he walked over to the trailer.

Steve peeked through his hands and groaned at the sight, "Put your shoes on normallll and socckkkksss " he Whined and smiled as billy finally did so.

"Whatsss going onnn?" The Henderson kid asked, pointing at the three elders, lucas put his hand on his shoulder, "I'd like to know that too." He insists

"GUYS!" Max yells, making everyone turn to her but making the older teens flinch instead. "They're obviously dating." Max finishes,  placing her head in her hands as she chuckles at everyone else's stupidity.

Dustin shrieks, eventually getting shushed by eddie who was whispering, "Dude! My uncle's asleep in there, can you shut it?"

"I can stand you and steve," The Henderson kid said, then pointed at billy furiously,  "But him?! Your dating the enemy!" Dustin yelled at steve, who leaned against his car and smirked,  "I could leave you here to walk home, or better walk all the way to Loch Nora, I don't need a bunch of 14 year olds opinions to tell me who I can and cannot date" Steve finished looking at everyone who rushed inside his car. Eddie smiled, "if you don't mind, Stevie boy, I can drive your car since it is my warriors in there." Steve frowned, "So you expect me to sit in t GB e passengers seat?" Steve said before eddie laughed and pointed at the seat, max was sitting in it, obviously arguing with the others

Before he could even process what he was saying,  "You can ride on the motorcycle with me steve." Steves eyes lit up and he smiled, nodding. He walked over to billy and billy took ahold of his hand. "Hey Eddie!" Billy yelled before he got into the car, "Hmm?" Eddie asks, "If you don't mind, I'm gonna take stevie to a party for a bit." Eddie smiled, "that's fine"

Billy got onto the motorcycle,  kicking up the kickstand and motioned for steve to get on. Billy flicked up the plastic on his helmet. "If I'm going to fast or you feel uncomfortable just tap me okay because I won't be able to hear you." Steve nodded, flipping Billy's helmet down and then his own,

Billy started the motorcycle and steve leaned into him, holding onto his waist.

They pulled out of the driveway after eddie pulled out of his, and they went the opposite way, Steve didn't ask any questions, in fact, it was probably a good thing, because he would probably throw up if he opened his mouth

They pulled into a driveway that was littered with cars, Billy turned off the motorcycle and put the kickstand down. Steve and he took off their helmets.

"Who's house is this?" Steve asked, noticing all the teens jumping into the pool and flirting with each other, alchohol in hand.

"It's Carol's" Billy growled a little at the name, "oh" steve said, letting go of Billy's waist. They hung the helmets on the handlebars and got off, steve needed some assistance,  he looked like a baby bambi. Steve went towards the pool and billy inside the house, they decided that it would look odd if they walked in together and started looking all buddy.

Steve sat down by the pool, taking off his socks and shoes.


He had been friends with her but they'd always hang out at Steve's.

Billy walked in the door with a following chants of "Hargrove! Hargrove!" Repeatedly, and Tommy Hagan walked over to him like they'd been friend for years. New flash: they hadn't.

Harrington walked into the house, going straight to the kitchen where he guessed was the liquor and he was right , but all the bottles are empty, he pouted but not too noticeably.  "Aww they're out of beer already?" He heard a voice behind him, he turned and saw a guy that looked a year or two older than himself.

He had black curly hair that lead down to his shoulders, with gray eyes and he kind of reminded him of eddie, he wasn't horrible looking either. "Apparently." Steve replied,  sitting on the counter. "I brought some extra beer in my car, do you wanna come help me get it?" He asked steve. "Sure, I'm steve." He said, reaching out his hand , the other male took it and shook, "I'm Robert." He said, helping steve off the counter.  They walked outside, talking and they walked across the street where his car was parked.

Robert opened the trunk and frowned, "Dammit people must have already have gotten to it." He says, smirking at steve, who was frowning.  "Damn,  well I guess we got to go in now." Steve says, Robert grins and flicks his tongue over his teeth, then grabs Steve's wrists backing him up into the trunk of his jeep.

"W-what are you doing?" Steve struggled,  trying to force himself out of Roberts grip. Robert forced steve into the back of the jeep, kissing him forcefully to get him to shut up. "Your so pretty." He said to steve, kissing his forehead.  "Please get off of me." Steve whimpered,  "no can do sweetheart."

Billy finishes his game of beer pong and decides to give find his princess,  not to drunk. Billy remembers seeing steve walk out with another boy, istg steve if your cheating on us.

He walks across the street since he can't find steve and sees him, crying under the same guy as he unzips Steve's pants, this can't do

Billy storms over and grabs the guy, forcing his grip off of Steve who zips his pants back up and climbs out of the jeep, hiding behind Billy. 

"Can't you see I'm busy?!" The curly haired boy yelled at billy, making steve flinch, he was already shaking as is, but add yelling to the mix and he's a dead man. " your alright," Billy turns around,  "GET LOST." He growls to the other man, making him tremble and run back to the party.  Steve grabs at Billy's jacket, "I didn't know, I didn't know." Steve mumbles, wide eyed and looking at billy. Billy cups steves face in his hands and kisses him. "You'll be okay, you wanna head home?" He asks

The brunette nods.


Just as Eddie puts the kids to bed he hears the motorbike pull in and he smirks, walking over to the door to greet his boys. They get off the motorcycle and Eddie notices that steve is looking down and shaking,  something is wrong

He booked it off the porch and down to steve, who was mumbling 'I didn't know' over and over again. Eddie looked to Billy and he mouthed, 'Sexual assault ' as they both looked at steve he broke down, collapsing into eddies arms, the long haired boy comforted him.

"Stay with one of us at all times."

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