The Tragedy

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"You must live on!" said Martin with a quiet voice, "don't die, have faith I'm right next to you. Always," he continued whispering just in a tone that soothed the penguin But penguin knew it was over as the bright sun-colored blood flooded over its feet. From Penguin's face rolled a single tear that held all the penguin's feelings to Martin in one. The appreciation, the relieved feeling he was shot instead of Martin, and the feeling of the strong friendship between the two. The Penguin breathed it's last breath letting out a gust of white cloud leaving the words, "Without you i would have been dead long ago." This sank deeply into Martin's heart where now had a hole irreplaceable. Martin was in the stage of denial, but knew deep in his heart what has happened. It was such a sudden death that Martin's sadness was so large that he couldn't even cry, but instead he felt numb, implying that he had no emotion. He grabbed a hold of himself and carried his best friend who was the only one who understood him and felt his pain, to the penguin's house. He remembered that penguin would cry for him and he would stand up for him, as he dug a hole in the cold icy blue ground which was gradually turning red. He placed him gently while from Martin's face rolled a single drop of tear just like the tear of penguin's. That's when penguin revived, but soon Martin found out he had no memory WHATSOEVER.

He noticed this when his tears started to flow back, but not for grief and instead for the excitement. Penguin's blood, still all over the icy ground, stopped and he stared blankly into the blue atmosphere. Martin sensed something wrong, "Pengy?" Martin asked softly, so soft you can hardly see the whirl from his warm breath. Penguin gaped at him looking confused. Martin had horrible thoughts run through his head and he almost felt his brain thump as his ideas raced through his veins.

"Is this the real Pengy? What have I done to him. It must have been me, right? Whats wrong with me, no, it's penguin alright! He's probably just unconscious!"

But Martin was soon to realise it wasn't the same "pengy." Penguin stared into Martin's eyes and whispered, " What are you?" Martin, out of shock, was speechless. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath thinking, "His memories are going to flood back soon, it's not like it's permanent or anything" and as he opened his eyes, he saw Penguin waddling away from his sight. Martin had to make a choice, to run after the thing he loved most or to set it free and wait 'till it comes back. He had to think quickly and efficiently, after all his decision adds a new chapter to his life and can change everything around. He thought of the consequences for his decisions and finally Martin picked one. He knew his other choice could have brought a great destiny ahead of him, but he decided to be selfish. He thought sometimes it's fine to be selfish. Martin left cold footprints as he felt a smile rise on his chin.

He followed the footprints that had perfect little waddly round circular figures. ~"Race ya!" said Pengy as Martin ran after him. However it was especially cold that fine afternoon. That's why Martin and Pengy were trying quickly to get back home. At the same time it was so cold that the ice/ground had a extra thin layer that made the ground even more slippery. That's when something happened. Martin felt his body float in the air for 2 quick seconds and on the ground the next. He felt the side of his ribs were starting to burn as the pain stinged throughout his legs. Penguin came rushing over. "Oh my fishsticks! Are you alright?" Martin let out a little whine as Penguin came over. On the ground Martin saw Penguin's feet more up close. So tiny and so cute.~ Martin came back from the flash back thinking about how he wished his feet looked like his former best friend's. He didn't know what to think of him anymore. A friend? Or an ordinary penguin? He knew that Pengy still had to be in there somewhere.

~"Here, the knife!" said Penguin as he passed the knife over to Martin. Martin held the beautiful silver knife in his hands, seeing his reflection and imagining how many fish it can bring to them. He slid the knife across the palm of his hands and cut his blood circulation. Martin and penguin held out their hands and smushed eachother's blood together. "Now we're blood brothers for life!" pengy said enthusiastically. "and best friends for ever," Martin finished off the sentence.~ Martin was devastated how maybe the vows were made to be broken. That's when he bumped into something fluffy, something familiar-penguin himself.

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