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"I'm sorry sir but you can't come in here," A nurse told Ethan as he tried to follow them into the emergency room "you  need medical attention" She said after looking at his chest.

Ethan shook his head "No, I need to be with my brother, I-I can't leave him." He looked through the glass double doors to see his brother with an oxygen mask over his mouth.

"I'm sorry but you can't. Lindsey! get this man a needle and thread stat!" The nurse yelled before quickly running into the emergency room.

Ethan stood there helplessly as he watched the medics drag his brother away. Ethan was covered in blood, not just his own but Richie's too.

"You're loosing a lot of blood sir, let's get you checked out" Someone beside him said but ethan couldn't breath. He felt his vision get blurry and before he knew it, the only thing he saw was black.


"He'll be okay Quinn, they both will." Ethan could hear a female voice say as he slowly began to wake.

"We don't know that!" He could hear Quinn shout from beside him. "We don't know if they'll both wake up!"

"Quinn, let's not think like that.."


Ethan could hear many voices exchanging words at the same time which made him groan internally "Can you all just shut the fuck up?" Ethan grumbled while adjusting to the light.

"ETHAN YOURE AWAKE! SOMEONE GET THE DOCTOR!" Quinn said and Tara quickly went to get the doctor. Quinn climbed onto the hospital bed and plopped against his chest which made Ethan yell out in pain.

Quinn mumbled a quick sorry and instead plopped down beside him and hugged him tightly before sitting up and pulling his ear harshly.

"How could you!" She said angrily "How could you leave the van and not come back!" She grabbed the hospital pillow that laid behind Ethan's head and smacked it against his head.

"Quinn stop, calm down" Enzo said getting closer to both of them only for Quinn to turn her head towards Enzo and give him a death glare. "Don't you dare tell me to calm the fuck down."

Enzo raised his hands in retaliation and backed away. She turned back to Ethan who tried sitting up but the pain in his chest burned.

"Stay put asshole," She mumbled before getting off the hospital bed. Of course Ethan didn't listen and managed to sit up on the bed and finally let his eyes travel around the hospital rooms.

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