Chapter 1: Test Flight And Adapt To A New System

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Archni was piloting a Japanese TSF practice unit as he's having issues flying it. "Damn it! No matter how hard I tried in other ways, this thing keeps losing thrust!" With his TSF going left and right, as Archni tries to keep it steady alongside of trying to not lose altitude.

Archni: Oh, c'mon! It's way too sensitive. Is this piece of shit defective or something? I experienced other aircraft that are sensitive that I can work with, but this is the worst. Fuck! Not even doing it lightly helps!

Archni's TSF crashed to the ground as all it could do was fly in low altitude. Later Archni returned back to base as he landed on the runway. He then repelled down, where Vincent came to check on him and the TSF. "What's wrong? Training's not over." As he toss water pouch to Archni.

Archni: It's just too hard to pilot. That Japanese doll is seriously ticking me off.

Vincent: Oh, you meaning Lt. Takamura?

Archni: Yeah. When I was little, there used to be a Japanese doll in my house. It looked real, but it had the face of a corpse, it creeps me out. I'd paid no mind to it later on, but reflecting back on it. Tells me of who I'm facing with.

Vincent starts laughing of what Archni said, at the part of it creeps him out. As Archni hears and scolds at him. Hey! "Ain't funny, man!" Vincent stops as he give his say, to change the subject of what Archni is dealing with the TSF.

Vincent: Even if they're both TSFs, the US and Japan have completely different design and battle philosophies, so it's no wonder it feels foreign to you.

Archni: I know that. 

Vincent: If you think about it, it makes sense for the Lieutenant to order you to try your hands at a Japanese practice unit, until the X-02 Wyvern is ready.

"I know that too." Archni drank his water, and thought about what Vincent said about the X-02 Wyvern. "I'm surprised that a original aircraft from Ace Combat, which I played exists in this world.
I was expecting of what, it was going to be intended at first. Well, let's see how the X-02 will perform when it's time."

Archni thought back to a memory of the time, Yui have him fly a TSF practice unit. "Correct. Until the X-02 prototype is operational, you will pilot the Fubuki, a Type 97 practice TSF."

Archni's mind: I'm expecting that it's going be hell for me, as it is for Yuuya. Which I piloted all Aircraft of my country from my old world, from the F-2, F-15J, 35, and the 22. But for my experience with TSFs, it's mostly American ones in my current life. Assuming that she looked at my record, she thinks I can pilot anything, which is hurting a pilot's pride to me.

Yui looked to Archni as he was glaring at her, which she question him. "You looked dissatisfied, Ensign Arch."

Archni: It's, nothing. I haven't been given enough information to be dissatisfied of.

Yui sees Archni's attitude being sarcastic and his posture seems professional, as she asks him. "Let me ask you something. Is your attitude in some way related to your feelings about this operation?"

Archni: No, Lieutenant.

Yui: Then do you have a problem with me?

"Nope. Absolutely not at all, ma'am." Archni kept with the sarcastic attitude and his posture the same. Until, Yui has enough with his games and tells him. "Then let me say this: your unpleasant attitude is disruptive. If you're no reason for it, fix it. Understood?"

Archni: Yes. May I ask, is that an order given as part of the XFJ project? Or by you specifically? Merely abusing you position to satisfy a personal desire or results?

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