Chapter 5: Rescue, New Enemy, And The Useless Attempt On Altering

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Since after Archni made the request to Yui for doing close combat melee. She took it in consideration and tried to do what she can.

A day passed by as he's now outside taking some air, until he was approached by Latrova. Which started her talking to him. "Looks like you're taking it easy. Is that the perk of being a hero?" Archni got up to salute her, in which she does too and says about giving her gratitude.

Latrova: Thanks to you, we were able to enjoy some quality vodka last night. I wanted to thank you, hero.

Archni: Say what you want, I couldn't mind less of a title on my belt. At least the battle was won and I saved many as I could, but... who am I kidding about, people die at anytime in their moments. The only thing that matters is to fight.

Latrova: Hmm, very noble. Sounded like you spoke from being a experienced even though it was your first sortie back there. Achieving over three thousand, my whole battalion won't shut up about it.

Archni: Well, they're fortunate to talk about while being alive. As from the back there, it was just during in the moment back there that I felt fearless and I know what was at stake. Even if that's lives or crucial objective hangs on the balance.

Latrova: Look, I'm gonna tell you something as thanks for the vodka. Than hearing that crap of a speech of yours at the end. You're one brave pilot and unpredictable. What you just said have gotten your eyes to look at the bigger picture, and made me think you'd understand.

Latrova finished of what she had to say and was going to leave, but Archni asks her something.
"Let me ask you something, if the BETA never existed and have invaded. Would the Soviet Union from the past would've been different from the present of now?" Latrova thought about the question he asked of her to respond, as she thought back to a memory that involves a little boy. Presumably her son, who was taken away from her?

In which she answers to Archni. "I suppose It would have... I wish that it could." After she answered the question she left when her second in command called for her.

Later on in Japan high ranking military officers there saw the footage of the TLS firing and were astonished of the result. And thoughts of having more super weaponry would be beneficial of taking back their lost land, as there was some skepticism of their country's secrets would get stolen. Either way a risk was taken of having a top secret weapon brought and fired at Soviet territory.

As for Yui, she was seeing the TLS being maintenance on as she has a lot to bear at her shoulders. The future of her county and Archni's request which is causing her regret, that she may have been holding him back to not fully testing the X-02's full capabilities. Instead as of having to do more tests on the laser cannon. Time passed by later until, BETA activity was detected and a briefing was held saying that sortieing is not going to happen.

Archni: We can't sortie, you say? We got the BETA back here again and we're the only ones not being deployed? Then who's going to handle the enemy.

Ibrahim speaks as he says to Archni. "Ensign Arch, you were not given permission to speak." Yui speaks after as she announces to Argos flight.
"The TLS is offline. We're not sure why."

Yui: It's main system and all control functionaries are inoperable. It's not responding to any input and cannot be rebooted. The Imperial Diet has decided against sending any engineers who know the classified knowledge. So at the moment we're preparing yo send encrypted data to the homeland...

Archni think in his thoughts that he must've used the TLS too extensively. While back at the present, with the laser weapon not able to be tested a suggested alternative was to do the other planned tests. That made Archni to raised his hand but got no attention noticed at him, in which he raise his voice to be heard. "If I may ask, I want the X-02 Wyvern to be tested in melee combat and be piloted by me."

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