Chapter 6 Part 2

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On the next day, Argos have a briefing to analyze and study their opponent, that they're going to be face in the coming match. They gone through the specs of the J-10 and then learned about its sword that has unique shape design.

Different from the Japanese made kind of the Type 74. In which the sword's utilization requires the distance to swing and agility to be effective with it. In so Archni has enough of hearing in the lecture, as he already figured a weakness. As his team began coming up with a battle plan or it seems like it is.

Tarisa: We should start with her definitely.

Valerio: You got a plan for their leader?

"It's simple. We do the opposite of what they did. Pretend to play along and then beat them all in their own game." Tarisa gets up and points at Archni.

Tarisa: Archni! Fight that woman in one on one.

Archni: Say again?

Tarisa: That twit will agree to it for sure. And then  you beat her. The rest of us will handle the small fry.

Ibrahim says right after Tarisa to the squad when hearing the plan. "Just to confirm, you've actually considering that plan?"

Archni: I don't think there's a need to challenge her in one on one, back at the party she herself says to me, that her and I will fight.

Tarisa felt embarrassed but of her implying earlier seems true, about battling Cui is a way to achieve victory. But Archni speaks given going on with the plan still hasn't been decided. "I am in the mood to work on my swordsmanship, could be useful to slice up at the BETAs. But, that's going to be a backup plan."

Tarisa: What do you mean backup?!

Archni: What I'm saying is, it's the last thing they could think we would do. So, we'll save that idea as an ace in our sleeve.

Just suddenly everyone's attention was then brought to when announce of the match between Inar flight and their opponent is about to start. Which has Argos attend to watch in the viewing room, but Tarisa walks away in the other direction, having Valerio to question her. "You're not going to watch, Tarisa?"

Tarisa: I'm going to take a shower. Idar's going to win. Not even any point in watching.

With the match begun, only Cryska and Inia were sent to go head on against their opponent. As they handled it in a matter of 90 seconds, for Tarisa to then come into the viewing room. "I feel a lot better. Ah, there they go." The screen shows a Su-37 finishing off a F-16, with its motor chainsaw blade. As the pilot inside screams of experiencing fear.

Tarisa: Eh, I know it's CG generated by the JIVES. But it still makes me sick, even if it's a match hosted by a simulation with fake deaths. So how many are down now?

Stella: That's the fourth. The exercise is over.

Tarisa: What do you mean?! It hasn't been 10 minutes.

Valerio: The Scarlet Twins wiped them out. And with nothing more than a motor blade.

Tarisa: By themselves? Against an entire flight of better-specced F-16s? All that in less than 10 minutes using only melee?

Archni: Under in 1.5 minutes as well. Taking them out under that time is quick, they're ace material. And for that gotta say I applaud them, in which I want to do battle against them than scoring kills on aliens.

Ibrahim claps his hands to have Argos his attention and tells them to return back to briefing. In which after that their match would come at noon. Meanwhile with the Infinities, they saw the feed of the recent match then gone over with the records on Argos and are confident they themselves are going to win.

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