Chapter 6 Part 1: A Challenge Of Superiority

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The date was August 28, 2001. Upon returning from Soviet territory. Back on Alaska USA, Yukon Base.
A presentation for displaying the X-02 happened with the participants who came to see, are Japaneses and Americans. As the Wyvern is in it's new paint job with colors of white and red. Which people were amazed of the sight.

Mod is Scarface squadron for Ace combat 4

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Mod is Scarface squadron for Ace combat 4

The X-02 took some steps and was then switched to fighter mode to display its functions, while Archni with Vincent watch from afar. "What do you think of the X-02, in it's new coat of paint? You'd clearly got it all banged up up, what did you do to it?"

Archni: I'd got too many BETA surrounding me, in which I fought everything I got including of having to get it damaged in the process.

Vincent: Eh. It doesn't matter now, I gave it a new Missip enhancement module. So, please don't have me to fix up another mess you do to the beauty.

Archni: I'll try. And not bad with the paint job, you truly captured the Japanese colors.

Archni think in his thoughts as he processes from before. "If there's a slightest chance that the Soviets found whatever's left of the TLS. Then I'll stop them, do whatever it takes to destroy any creations they make. Or worst is that I solemnly would responsible of someone creating a monster of destruction to this world."

A quick briefing was held later on, as Ibrahim talk about what Archni reported of what he saw from at Soviet territory since after leaving there.
"We're calling this new BETA class, a Swarmer."

"A Swarmer? That's what we're naming it, could it be called something with a better name?" One person spoke in question of the name for the wasp variant of the BETA's new class unit.

Archni: Well, would it be better if it was a bird and that we had to come up with a fitting name for us to give it?

"Fair enough." Right after the briefing was over. The Swarmer that Archni fought was considered an alpha, in so of speculation the regular variant could be a size of a grappler or near to one.

Archni then looked over at the X-02's arsenal to expand, in so he has blueprints be made that consist of Darkfire, air to air missiles to take down the new Swarmer class or to be thrown at ground targets if in need for more firepower of improvisation. Anti-ship, Star fire missiles repurposed to kill BETAs and last was a Electromagnetic railgun.

A true railgun weapon to shoot targets from a far distance. Later on, talk about implementing the fighter mode feature are gaining attention, as Archni was approached to give his insight of how the existing TSFs would look like and receive the design upgrade.

In which he offer his knowledge of known 4th and 5th generation, Archni has a clear memory of what the aircrafts look like.

Afterwards Argos were watching a recorded mock battle of the Bao-Feng squad against their opponent. In which the video shows a tactic that involves Bao-Feng's leader rushing in with sword in hand. Taking out an enemy then gone for the enemy leader with incredible speed, until having to pursue in the air with boosters used.

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