Chapter 3: The Caribbean And It's Beach Episode

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On the West Indies of the Caribbeans. Archni and the crew are at Guadalupe Base, given that endurance tests are to be performed there. Alongside of the same time being there for a photoshoot to raise wartime morale, to be done specifically by the women who were selected.

While equipment are being moved around Valerio comment about Yui, who's there looking through  everything with her clipboard. "Man, Princess Yui's tropical army uniform is hot!"

Valerio: Sights like this make it worth the trip.

Archni; You came here to sightsee? Clearly what we're wearing are standard issue, unless you want to inch in a tight higher rank officer uniform.

Valerio: Oh, come on. Half this test is just a game anyway.

Archni: Well, you're right about that. At least it beats the cold.

Stella: Whatever the reason, this isn't a chance you get everyday. Let's enjoy ourselves.

Stella and Tarisa walk off as Archni hears some other ladies that walk by complaining about the heat. But for him it's nothing given he's used to it in his old life, just then Valerio wrapped around Archni as he suggests to do something fun. "All right, Archni! We're free until this evening. You're coming with me."

Archni: Guess I'm getting dragged into this no matter what, aren't I?

Valerio: Hahaha. I'll show you how to live it up at a resort like this!

The next scene brings Archni and Valerio crawling through some tall grass, as he explains to him of what to do in his way. "See, when you come to a resort, you get to see a more liberated side of women that you'd never see outside."

Archni: In which, by spying onto naked women bodies right?

Valerio: Yeah, now you're talking. Right now everybody's ready to hit the showers and wash off all that sweat right?

Archni gets up as he talk back to Valerio. "Okay go knock yourself out. I'm gonna go now." "You're not coming? Jeez, you're no fun." Valerio says as crawl on by himself, as Archni think in his thoughts then decided of what to do.

Archni's mind: Ehh, I wouldn't mind to see that face of his get bruised up.

Archni head to and knock on the door, of who knows is staying there. As he announced of himself until he waited for a response. "Stella, Tarisa, you two there?" Stella responded, as soon Archni was going to say to her about Valerio, the door opened.

In which Archni's reaction of Stella in a bathrobe shook him off, as he should have expected it but seeing in person caused a different experience. "Sorry. I was in the shower."

Archni: Well, uhh...

"What?" She questioned of what Archni was trying to say. As he tries his best to not be eyeing at Stella's big chest, that's likely a tempting attraction to not ignore. "You see there's a certain suspicious someone, who may be creeping at you so I wanted to let you know. That's all. Bye and enjoy your shower." Archni leaves as Stella got a good impression from him, which she thinks about him.

Stella: Oh my. He's more of a kid than I thought. But respectful of a gentleman.


As the evening came, everyone was enjoying the party that is being held for all of Argos and Idar test Flights to get along with. Vincent noticed Valerio having a red mark on his face as he asks him.
"Hey, VG. What happened to your face? Sunburn?"

Valerio: Yeah, something like that.

Archni: A really nasty one, at that.

As the subject of Valerio's face was brought up, Stella tells Tarisa what she overheard. "I heard there was someone suspiciously wandering around the base."

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