Dimming Lights

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Dark black shadows follow me,

Stuck to my heavy footsteps,

As I move down the dimly lit street.

The buzzing overhead becomes louder

Whenever I reach another streetlight

As I trudge down the dimly lit street.

Moths jump from light to light

Moving to wherever the light is brightest,

Moving to whichever light I walk past,

While lined up along my path

Are big shapes that are home to many.

I reach the one that belongs to me

While the orange light casts its faint glow

Across the heavy wooden door.

I reach for the brass knob,

Enter the cold living room,

And turn around to push the door back into its place,

When I, just in time, see the street growing darker

Under all those dimming lights.

Falling Into The Abyss - a poetry collection by Raja Yasaswini S.Where stories live. Discover now