The March of The Granddaughters of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior,

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Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane age 15, gathers up all her first cousins, Lady Autumn Bridget, Lady Charlotte Victoria, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene, Lady Anastasia Christina, along with her second cousin, Lady Edwina Wihelmina Beck and Lady Beatrice Richenda Howard along with her little sister, Lady Caroline Matilda who is also her third cousin, through her third cousin once removed, Lord Richard William and they come together to see their newest soldier, Lady Sophia Dorthea, Duchess of Gloucester.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane from the day she was born on May 1, 2275 was brought up to know one day that she would become the First Duchess of Norfolk Territory.

All of the little girls want to see their newest first or second cousin or sister and Lady Karissa is very protective of her newest baby, Lady Sophia Dorothea.

Lady Karissa takes Lady Sophia Dorothea everywhere with her, and even when she is in her drawing room, Lady Sophia Dorothea is there with her.

On Lady Karissa's side sits Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lord Richard William Carey

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On Lady Karissa's side sits Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lord Richard William Carey

On Lady Karissa's side sits Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lord Richard William Carey

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 and the leader of the pack, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane age 15, with her sisters and her many cousins march in and Lady Elizabeth looks at her mother " We have come to see my new soldier mother." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.

Lady Karissa looks at her oldest daughter, " Lady Elizabeth. You do not have to ask to see your sister. " Lady Karissa tells her.

"You know one day, she will be a part of the victory march when I become Duchess of Norfolk Territory." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.

"I know, Lady Bess. I see you have brought you many followers with you.." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Grandpa wouldn't let my aunt, Lady Frederica join in." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.

"Your father and I have a policy never to interfere on how your grandfather raises his children." Lady Karissa explains.

"May I hold my little sister and do you think I will have another little sister, mama." Lady Elizabeth asks.

"No, Lady Elizabeth. Your father and I have completed our family with the birth of Lady Sophia Dorothea." Lady Karissa explains.

"I would say that your army is completed." Lady Karissa explains. "

Lady Karissa can not see into the future and she is not even aware what Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third has planned, but he knows the time is not right to approach and ask her if she would agree to have his heiress for him in 2294.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann places Lady Sophia Dorothea into her oldest sister's arm and Lady Elizabeth Ann Beltane holds her little sister proudly in her arms. 


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