Welcome , Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth

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Four and half years after the birth of Lady Karissa Elizabeth, Lady Victoria Elizabeth and Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth are expecting the second child, and Lady Karissa Elizabeth is four years old and very precocious little girl

Four and half years after the birth of Lady Karissa Elizabeth, Lady Victoria Elizabeth and Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth are expecting the second child, and Lady Karissa Elizabeth is four years old and very precocious little girl

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 and she a handful for her mother, but her doting grandmother and great-grandmother have no trouble with her.

Lady Victoria Elizabeth asks her mother, now 45 years old " Mom. Was I in this much trouble?"

"Lady Victoria Elizabeth. We take the good with the bad and accept what we must." Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

"Granny, was my mom a lot of trouble?" Lady Victoria Elizabeth asked her grandmother.

"You know my dear Lady Victoria Elizabeth. Your mother was not an angel." Lady Elizabeth tells her granddaughter. " She was my first and I loved her and her father and I had a duty to perform and we did."

"Just as Lord Andrew Charles The Third and you have a duty towards Lord Patrick William Howard." Lady Elizabeth states.

"I am sure this child is a son, and if I only have one son we will be happy as we only want three children.' Lady Victoria Elizabeth tells her mother and grandmother.


Even when he was alive, Lady Victoria Elizabeth and Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third great-grandfather, Lord Andrew Charles Howard was the most defiant, rebellious, young man and he was always the leader of the pack and a great instigator of trouble and some might say he was a daredevil.

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