Chapter Fourteen, Part Seven: Fair Reunion (Part Two)

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"And then the ride when WHROOM THEN BAM!," The gold cheered, making hand motions of the roller coaster he'd ridden with a French fry "Wasn't it cool Blyke," Isen asked the nonsick king as he drank his water slowly "Totally..," Blyke rolled his eyes "So what did you guys do?," John asked the pink electro queen "We walked around, bought some stuff, and played some games," She quickly explained "Did you guys play ring toss?," Isen asked as he and Arlo both gave a certain raven a look "No we all decided it'd be too hard for us to win," Elaine responded, "Why what's up about it?," Seraphina now spoke up "Oh we just witnessed somebody win it," Arlo said as he eyeballed John "It was amazing everybody cheered for him," John remarked, with a snicker of laughter under his breath as he turned his face so nobody would see him laughing before spotting two people he'd recognized...

-Third POV (You'll read Seraphina's thoughts and her point of view)

"John what's so funny?," Seraphina puzzled by what her crush was laughing about, soon looked in the same direction "What are they doing here..," Seraphina heard the raven mutter "John who?," Seraphina asked looking back at the others behind her "Claire...," John looked both left and right looking for an exit "This is supposed to be a calm trip but no nothing can go right!," The Joker slightly screamed as he stood up beginning to pace back and forth as the others watched in horror not knowing what to do "John it's okay we'll figure something out," The Ace reassured placing her hand on the Joker's shoulder "Breath my terrible," John looked back toward Seraphina, His face turning a light pink before his tone relaxed "I'm sorry angel," John whispered pulling Seraphina into a hug "No worries.," She responded softly "Uhm I know you guys are being lovey-dovey but we got a blondie and a green bean coming our way!," Isen pointed out getting the couple's attention quickly "John you've got this just take it easy." Seraphina gripped John's hand rubbing his smooth but muscular hand while her chest pounded, John nodded before his face going serious with a slight look of worry in his eyes.

"Claire Adorin, What a surprise!," Seraphina started with a smile as she reached for both their hands as they allowed her to shake them "What are you doing here..?," The Ace asked quietly "Oh my family and I were taking a trip and we decided Adorin's family could tag along," Claire explained "Oh that's just swell..," John muttered, placing a small fake smile on his lips "John..," Both Seraphina and Claire muttered before looking at each other "Oh you haven't met the others!," Seraphina glanced behind her "This is Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Remi, and Elaine," Seraphina explained, quickly pointing at each person "It's lovely to meet you all," Claire smiled as Remi and Elaine wave to both of them from the small table "Hey you guys are also survivors of the John attack!!," Isen quickly jumped to his feet and he placed his arms around Claire and Adorin, As everybody's expressions changed "The John attack..?," John muttered before looking away "What the fu*k Isen!," Arlo coming around before smacking the golden's head "Owwww what was that for!!," Isen whined, gripping his head tightly. "THAT'S FOR BEING STUPID!," Blyke yelled as they all watched as Claire and Adorin's faces turned worried and scared "Hey it's not like that John changed since uhm both attacks!," Seraphina quickly said while watching her terribly get up "Where are you going, John?," The Ace asked softly "Somewhere I think people won't fear the John attack..," John placed his hands into his pants pockets before walking away "John wait!..," Seraphina started to go after him before being stopped by Remi "Lets let him be for awhile while we deal with him," Remi said pointing to Isen who was now getting lectured by Arlo and Blyke before the two high leveled females watched  "YOU DUMBASS YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT!!," Blyke raised his hand, getting more pissed off toward Isen "I hope John beats your ass later," Arlo sadly said.

 Seraphina glanced behind her before Claire came up next to her "I don't mean to be harsh on him it's just...," Claire looked down "I'm still really scared of him, I'm scared he'll snap, I'm scared he'll hurt us all and you guys again..," Claire looked Seraphina in her eyes "I still care deeply for him but I don't think him and I could have the friendship we had back then," Seraphina placed her hands in her pockets, looking off to the side "John isn't the same as he used to be, sure he's made a lot of mistakes in his life but that doesn't mean that he isn't trying to change" Sera looked back at Claire "You and Adrion aren't the only ones who care about John, we all do especially me" Seraphina looked away blushing which somehow Claire didn't catch "Do you think we should all go find John?" Claire looked back at the group who was still dealing with Isen "It's gonna take them a while to settle that argument, which I don't feel like watching anymore" Sera thought about her small fight with her and John they had this morning about their love life, "Claire let's go find him," Seraphina said "Find who?," Claire asked puzzled "John," Seraphina smiled before grabbing ahold of Claire's hand before dragging her along "Seraphina!!!," Claire yelled while the Ace dragged her along.

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