Chapter Two: Drugged Sleepover (Part 1)

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This will start as a texting story then go back to irl

Remi: Can everybody still make it today?

Blyke: Just ran by Isen's to see if he's ready which he is somehow

Elaine: Yep I'm still going!

Sera: John is just finishing up then were heading over

Remi: Arlo, what about you?


Arlo: I'll be there.

Remi: Okay I'll see you guys when you get here!

-Irl Remi's Pov-
As I was wait for everybody to show up I head over to my kitchen and begin pulling out a couple of snacks and games that we can play, As I grab the last game I hear a knock on the door as I make my way over turning the knob as I see Isen and Blyke
"Hey guys glad you could make it!," I say with a bright smile making Blyke blush "No worries Re-," Blyke almost says before being cut off by Elaine and Arlo behind them Hey guys!," Elaine excitedly says rushes up to the doorway "Have you guys seen Seraphina and John?," I said checking my phone to see if Seraphina or John had messaged me "Seraphina came by earlier to help John pack but I haven't seen them since," Blyke said looking behind him after setting his stuff down
"Come on you slowpoke everybody's probably there already, " said a female's voice coming up the hall "Oh I'm sorry it's not like somebody hadn't packed like we weren't gonna be coming back here for years!," a male's voice responded coming up revealing Seraphina and John arguing about stupid stuff "Hey you two come on in!," I say while waving at them as they turned to walk in "You guys should first unpack your stuff then we can start the sleepover," I say as I start to help Elaine with her stuff

-John's Pov-
I was the first one done with setting my stuff out, Remi was almost done helping Elaine, Blyke, and Isen were goofing off as they got there beds ready, Arlo kept glancing over and glaring at Isen and Blyke annoyed because of Isen and Blyke goofing off (Mostly Isen was glared at) Sera only laid out her sleeping bag and pillow, as she laid there playing flappy pig.

Remi then finishes with Elaine, as she lifts herself up and walks in front of the Tv "Okay everyone there are board games and a video game console already setup for anyone that wants to use them, I also ordered pizza and soda's. Please don't break anything but with that you're able to do whatever you want," Remi explains, she looks towards Blyke and Isen when speaking of "Breaking anything" making them freeze in there tracks with a worried look on Isen face, as Blyke's face was red as a tomato looking like he was about to pass out.

-John's Pov still-
I pull out my phone checking my notifications realizing I had an unread message as I tap on it reading it quickly: Be aware of your surroundings John :it read, my body tenses up after reading, what did they mean "be aware of your surroundings?" Whoever it was could be after anybody that might be here right now, Blyke Isen and Elaine couldn't be it, Nor do I think Remi either, So it could either have to be Arlo or Sera...

-Seraphina's Pov-
I glance over to my left, quietly noticing John's body tensed up almost like he was shaking, I place my hand on his shoulder letting him know everything was alright "John..," I whispered snapping him out of his trance "You alright..?," I say noting the concerned look in his amber eyes "I'm fine, Just got something on my mind..," He utters softly as he reaches for his phone and places it where nobody can see it
"Hey if it's about the past..," I start to say as I was cut off "Pizza here guys!!," Remi yells, As everybody gets up including John (Something not right.. It's like he saw something on his phone?) I thought, reaching over to grab John's phone before realizing he started to make his way back (I'll just wait till tonight)I smile at John as he lowers back down in his spot "I got you a slice ," He spoke handing her the plate of pizza, still a little tense from whatever happened with his phone "Thanks, Are you sure you're okay?," I spoke as worry filled me up on the inside "I'm fine Sera you know I wouldn't lie to you," John plasters his usual grin expression as this one was fake.. (I know that's fake) I thought as I brightly smile back at him before taking a bite of my pepperoni pizza.

-No Pov-
As everybody eats, Remi lifts her body up back in front of the Tv "How about we all play a game," Remi says with a small clap "How about truth or dare?," she asks "I'm fine with that," Blyke responds Same here," Isen replies "Okay," said Arlo and Elaine at the same time, Elaine puts her head down into her shirt as she begins blushing like crazy

"What about you two?," Remi points to John and I, "I'll play, What about you John?," John had again tensed up going into his own little world "Is he okay?," Isen questioned a little worried "He's been thinking about something that happened on his phone but he won't say anything about it..," John then snaps back to reality "Why are you all staring at me?," John looks at everyone with an awkward face " No reason, Did you wanna play truth or dare with us John?," "Remi asked with a little bit of a anxious tone rising in her voice "Uh yea that's fine," John responds with a troubled look on his face.

-No Pov-
As everyone sits in a small circle Remi opens her mouth "Alright everybody let's begin!," Remi says "Truth or dare Isen?," " Uh truth!," Isen's face went from confident to concerned in seconds "Hmm do you have a crush on anybody here?,"Remi asks "Nope, Alright truth or dare Blyke?," Isen asked "Truth," Blyke said "Ughh your such a wimp bro," Isen said while slightly pushing Blyke "Not everybody wants to do something stupid here, Isen," Blyke complained as he pushes Isen back
"Ughh okay, is it true you like staying in a dorm with John?," Blyke and John both shoot up "What are you talking about Isen??," John asked while also being curious as well as the others were too. After John was revealed to be the Joker, It didn't help that Blyke lived in the same area as the Joker himself, Nor he and John had the best relationship after John had accidentally slapped Remi in the face "Uhm Living with him kinda just grew on me but it's up to him if he would wanna be friends," Blyke says glancing over at the concerned raven "..I don't know.,"

After a few truths and dares, it had become Sera's turn, and was about to ask John his question "John, Truth or dare?" I ask looking towards him "Dare," he says smirking at Me "Alright Mr. Mighty I dare you to call the last person in your contacts," I smirk back at him as I cross my arms, Reaching down John grabbed his phone wondering who his last contact was before realizing who it was.


Claire hadn't fully forgotten the situation with John ever since he had reunited with him; they weren't friends nor enemies either, They'd have small conversations with Adrion but it'd get awkward if it were just them. As weird as it was for John he was hoping she wouldn't pick up...

But she picked up...on speaker.

Claire: "John? Uh did you need something?"
John: "Uhm not I just wanted to check in on you,"
Claire sighed hoping John wasn't trying to do what he had been trying to do for the past week
Claire: listen, John, If this conversation turns into what you've been doing this past week," She sighs before continuing "I know you regret it but you'll have to give me some time to think things over it's not like I can get over the new Boston shadow king's attack,"
John let out a sigh he was hoping Claire wouldn't bring that up but also knew why she kept bringing it up. Claire hadn't fully trusted him yet.
There had been an awkward silence for a few seconds before Claire telling John she had needs to go
"Well that was a little bit awkward, But uhm great job John!," Remi said while placing her hand on his shoulder while glancing up at her clock "Oh gosh! I didn't even realize we had spent so much time playing truth or dare," Remi answered as she lifts herself "It's probably best if we start getting to bed," Remi replied as heads towards her bedroom to change

Seraphina pov
Hearing John and Claire's conversation hadn't gone the best it seemed Claire hadn't fully trusted John, Yet something was still odd about John when he hadn't told her what was going on with his phone (There's gotta be a way to figure out what happened on his phone) I thought (I could just stay up waiting for him to fall asleep?) I glance over toward John who was talking to Arlo and Remi looking like he was going to kill Arlo, As I look towards the other side Elaine already had drifted off to sleep as well as Isen and Blyke, "We should probably get to bed guys, There already out so we should do the same," I spoke pointing back at Isen Blyke and Elaine sleeping.

??? Pov
"Mr. K everything has been set up and ready for the attack,"

"Lovely be ready to inject him with the drug when you get there," Mr. K said, smirking. "I've told you late bloomers like you don't deserve happiness wealth luck, or getting anything good out of their life,"

Especially you...


And that's it for chapter 2! I hope you guys enjoyed This was only part 1 of Drugged Sleepover part 2 will probably be here tomorrow or anytime this week (if I'm not busy 😅)

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