Chapter 1: Days Gone By

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I woke up early and let Cerberus out, before deciding to move all the furniture back to where it belonged. After that was settled, I then grabbed some breakfast, sharing half with Cerberus, as well as giving him an extra little jerky stick I had found whilst moving things around, then headed off to the showers with a few empty water bottles to fill, along with a bowl for Cerby.

The first thing I did was fill Cerberus a bowl and place it on the floor besides me, then I grabbed one of the benches and moved it in front of a shower stall so I could sit down and fill all the bottles I had up, rather than standing for ages.

Luckily, the water still worked, and as soon as I turned the tap, I cleaned the bottles a little, then began to fill them up, one by one as Cerberus had a drink and cuddled up next to me whilst he kept an ear out for anything.

Once I had filled all the bottles, I decided to have another shower, as I wasn't coming back to this place and I had already filled all the bottles I had on me and any I could find in the building.

I also wanted to make sure Cerberus could have as much water as he wanted whilst we had access to it, as I wanted him to be healthy.

Perhaps the shower was a waste, but who knows when I'll be able to have a nice shower, I decided to take full advantage of it.

I made sure not to take too long, as I both didn't want to waste the water, even though I wasn't going to need it again, but also because I didn't want to lose too much daylight, as I still needed to grab whatever I found useful before leaving. And I also didn't want to sit still for so long, Cerberus didn't either.

Whilst I was in the shower, I found myself getting lost in my thoughts. I wondered where we should head next. Should we head south? Maybe East? Maybe we could even head to Alaska? I'm sure the cold would freeze those corpses up, right? Thpugh, I'm not sure how we'd get there...

But the more I thought, the more a certain place kept circling in the back of my mind, though I didn't have any intention of going there. Yet, each day, I found myself wandering closer and closer to it anyway...Atlanta.

After a couple minutes, I got out the shower and got dressed before grabbing my things and heading back to the armoury to pack up, whistling for Cerberus to follow.

Whilst I was sorting a few things, Cerberus nudged me and growled lowly, signalling me that something was approaching. I quickly stopped and lowered myself, crouching beside him and patting his head.

Just seconds later the cans by the entrance jingled, followed by the click of a door. Someone had broke in.

Cerberus took a protective stance in front of me and bore his teeth, silently snarling as he crept in the direction our intruders were coming from. I grabbed my bat and followed him way to the door, quietly signaling for Cerberus to stay put and listen as I did the same, leaning against wall and listening carefully.

I doubted it was a walker that had broke in. Cerberus usually barked if it was a walker, or even a couple of them. The only time he'd growl is if he senses people, or a large amount of walkers. But, considering the door was locked and we had made no sound, the likely option was that it was a person, the only question was, if they were alone. And more importantly...

If they were a threat.

As I thought of the possibility, another came to mind. They can't have broke in. I had locked the door, and there were no sounds of forced entry...that means they either picked the lock, or had a key...

By the sounds of the footsteps in the hall, it definitely sounded like more than one person, and considering Cerberus lowered his stance, as if he was about to pounce, I knew it was most likely.

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