Chapter 4: Atlanta

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A/N: It's another long one! Enjoy!


It didn't take too long for Rick to tame, or rather, convince, the horse to allow him to ride it, and as soon as he had it under his control, he lead it back over to me and Cerberus.

I was a little nervous the horse would be startled by Cerberus and hurt him, but Rick seemed to have it under control, and Cerberus obediently sat by my side.

I can't say I was particularly keen on sharing a horse with Rick, or particularly comfortable at the thought of it either. Sharing a car was fine, but, well...there was only so much space on a horse. Plus, I wasn't sure what to do with Cerberus. I didn't want to make him chase after us on a horse, but I wasn't sure carrying him was the best idea either...

Rick rode over to me and stopped beside the fence, then offered me a hand.
"Ever rode before?"
I was reluctant to take his hand, and instead opted to climb the fence, then whistled for Cerberus to follow.
"Can't say I have..."
Rick awkwardly took his hand away when I didn't take it.
"But I've rode a bike...I'm sure that's similar...enough."
He chuckled.
"I'd hardly say a bike is similar to a horse. There's quite a difference."
I grunted a hum as I looked between him and Cerberus.
"They both run on horsepower don't they?"
"That's not.."
I then glanced between him and the horse.
"About Cerberus...I'd rather not-"
He shook his head.
"You can hold him if you don't want him to follow. I'll make sure you don't fall."

I went silent for a moment as I considered my options, then picked Cerberus up, before hesitantly and reluctantly climbing onto the horse with my free hand.

I can't say I was exactly keen on this, but I'd rather make sure Cerberus didn't have to chase after us...

Rick made sure the horse was steady as I climbed on with Cerberus, making sure the horse didn't get too startled.

I grunted a little after climbing up, taking a moment to make sure Cerberus was settled and wouldn't jump out my arms.
"Alright...we're good..."
Rick nodded and climbed on after me with ease and taking a seat in front of me.
"He should be alright if you keep him between us."
I nodded.
"Right...just don't go to fast."
He chuckled slightly, then shook his head and looked back to me.
"You might want to hold on."
I gave him an unsure look.
"I'd rather not..."
"I don't want you falling."
"How fast are you planning on going?"
"Well, we want to reach Atlanta by nightfall. And who knows how long this horse has been sat here. She might be a little excited to get some freedom."
I was silent for a while before letting out a reluctant sigh.
"Try not to ride too fast...the galloping will attract walkers...and it will startle Cerberus."
I held Cerberus a little tighter.
"I don't want to drop him..."
He nodded and held onto the reigns tightly.
"I'll keep it in mind."
I grumbled and muttered under my breath.
"Better do or I'll kick your ass..."

I awkwardly placed a hand onto his waist and gripped his shirt a little, keeping my other arm tightly wrapped around Cerberus. I wasn't really keen on being too close to others, especially men. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only person I've ever even let come close to me is my brother. People just made me...uneasy...

Rick looked over his shoulder and gave me a friendly look.
"You got Cerberus?"
I nodded.
He nodded back.
"You might want to hold on tighter than that."
He let out a soft little chuckle.
"I won't bite."
I grumbled and looked away.
"I'd rather take my chances..."
He was silent for a moment before nodding.
"Alright, whatever makes you comfortable."
He turned back to the reins and flicked them gently.
"But if you feel you're going to fall, you're welcome to hold on tighter."
I was silent for a few moments as the horse slowly began to trot.
"I'll keep it in mind.."

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