Chapter 2: Friendly stranger

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I found myself getting lost in thought as I packed my bag full of supplies. I fully intended on leaving whilst the two men and the kid weren't around, but something made me stay. I wasn't quite sure what or why, but I just found myself glued to the spot, finding any reason I could to stay just a little longer.

I wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was because my thoughts kept looping to the same place, or maybe because I had this nagging thought prodding in the back of my mind. Or maybe it was even because Cerberus wasn't as alert around them.

But by the time I had snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed my bag, settling on the decision to leave, the three of them had already come back.

As they entered the room, I found myself standing still with my bag resting on my shoulder and Cerberus sitting at my feet as I watched them.

They were dressed in different clothes, though the most notable change was Rick. He wasn't lying, he was really a cop here. He came back dressed head to toe in a sheriff's uniform, by the looks of it, he even had the hat and the badge and all that...

I suppose my guess was pretty spot on...
though, I didn't expect him to be a sheriff.

Rick nodded me a greeting and so did the other two, though rather than conversing with me, they went to stuff their bags with supplies. Not that I minded, I preferred it that way.

Rick paused and gave me a glance.
"Have you decided what you'd like to do?"
I looked to the other two in the room, then to Rick himself.

I didn't know these people, they were complete strangers to me, just as I was to them. I didn't trust them, but, I doubted they'd do me any harm, they just didn't seem like the type. On top of that, I trusted Cerberus' senses even more than my own, and if he didn't think they were a threat, they weren't.

Besides, if they really wanted to hurt or kill either me or Cerby, they would've done so already and Cerberus would have definitely sensed it.

I hummed in thought for a moment as I scanned each one of them over carefully and debated myself. In the end though, my thoughts kept straying. Kept looping. The same thoughts repeating in my head. The same place.

I guess I had been subconsciously wandering towards Atlanta for a reason...

In truth, I wasn't worried or scared of these people. They seemed good natured and my judgement was rarely wrong, and Cerberus' was even less likely to be wrong, and even if either of us were, we could handle them if it came down to that.

I hummed deeply as I thought carefully, considering every option and every outcome. Really, I had already made up my mind. I had no intention of going with these strangers. But, in the end, my mind always landed in the same place.

So...I came to a decision, albeit one that I didn't quite understand.

I'd join them. Not because I liked them or wanted to be friends, not even because I thought it'd be safer...but for my own reasons, though, I'm not entirely sure what they were. I just...I had this gut feeling, as well as this prodding in my mind to return home...

Despite the fact I didn't really want to.

I was honestly...quite afraid of what I'd find there. Yet, at the same time...I needed to know.

Cerberus and I weren't doing anything anyway, just wandering aimlessly. It wouldn't hurt to give myself a destination. A goal. I had my own reasons to go to Atlanta anyway, even if I couldn't entirely place what those reasons were. And I could always leave them if need be, and Cerberus would know if something was ever wrong.

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