Chapter 7: Little Tiger

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WARNING: There are mentions of racism and racist slurs in this chapter, so if that makes you uncomfortable, or upsets/triggers you, please be warned or skip this chapter!

A/N: Also! Another picture of Cerberus <3


Everyone rushed to the rooftop as the gunshots continued to echo through the air, Rick and I following behind them, and Cerberus following closely behind me.

As soon as we burst out the door, everyone gathered around the source of the noise, and it was indeed like I expected. They had a sixth group member and it was an old acquaintance of mine. Merle Dixon.

I was supprised to see him here in Atlanta. Cerberus seemed pretty surprised too. Not only did Merle not live here, he didn't live close by at all. Though, putting that aside, it was rare of him to even be seen working with others, especially without his brother around, which, now that I think about it...where was his brother?

Cerberus was pretty fond of his brother, so if he was nearby, he'd definitely know and leap off to greet him...however, he stayed by my side.

It was certainly odd that they weren't together...

The old redneck was leaned over the edge of the roof, his foot propped up on a small ledge on the wall he was stood on, as he used his knee to rest his arm on and aim his bolt-action hunting rifle. He was shooting down at the walkers below, though god knows why. He wasn't a stupid person, impulsive, but not stupid, so he must've known it would just draw more of them, let alone waste bullets I'm sure his group didn't have.

The Mexican guy was the first to storm out the exit, onto the roof and towards Merle, the rest of us following sharply behind, albeit Cerberus was more reluctant. He wasn't as fond of the old man as I was...then again, "fond" is quite a loose term in this case...

He stormed over to Merle with a quick pace and strong tone.
"Hey, Dixon are you crazy!?"

He stopped a few feet away, on a bridged piece of metal above some air vents, the rest of us following suit, though Rick and I lagged in the far back, along with Cerberus, away from everyone else. No-one dared get close to Merle. And just by the gunshots alone, I could see why.

It seems he hasn't changed since I last saw him for those around him to act like this.

Merle let off a couple more rounds before turning to face everyone with a gung-ho attitude.
He pointed his rifle at us, waving it around in the air.
"Ya 'ought te be more polite to a man with a gun, huh?"
He jumped down from the small wall he was stood on.
"Only common sense."

I let out an amused breath as I watched him. It was clear he hadn't spotted me or Cerberus yet, otherwise he certainly wouldn't be behaving like this...

I hummed in amusement as I muttered under my breath.
"Old fucker still hasn't changed.."
Rick seemed to hear me and leaned closer a little to whisper.
"You know this guy?"
I shrugged, an amused smile curling onto my lips.
"An old acquaintance."
He gave me an unamused look.
"I'd hate to meet your acquaintances.."
I let out an amused breath and gave Rick a small smirk.
"They'd hate to see you."

The black guy was the first to hop over the little bridge and storm over to Merle in frustration.
"Man, you wastin' bullets we ain't even got, man!"
The Mexican guy followed closely behind whilst the rest of us stayed back.
"Come on, man, calm down. We don't wanna draw more walkers."
The black guy gestured out to the walkers, then to everyone else dramatically.
"An' you're bringin' 'em all down here on our ass, man just chill!" He voiced, his voice loud and beginning to crack from frustration.
Merle strode towards the two men casually.
"Hey, it's bad enough I got this taco bender on my ass all day-"
He gave the Mexican guy a look.
"An' now I'm gonna take orders from you?"

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