Chapter 6: Tough Crowd

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Cerberus' attention instantly snapped in the direction of the banging, his ears perked up in alert. I followed his gaze, as well as everyone, immediately looking in the direction of the banging, only to notice it was coming from the front of the store.

The Mexican guy grabbed Rick by his shoulder and dragged him over to the front of the store, the rest of us following behind him.

Andrea tried to stop me, so I whistled for Cerberus to follow Rick and he instantly chased the man dragging him along, meanwhile I was stopped for a few seconds, looking Andrea directly in her eyes as I narrowed mine, giving her a warning look.

I said a single sentence to her before walking past her without a care.
"Do not test me."

I caught up to Cerberus, who was blocking the Mexican guys way, snarling at him. I eased Cerberus, signalling him to stand down, before I walked up to the Mexican guy myself and rested my hand on his shoulder.

I spoke to him in a low and calm tone, not angry, but not friendly.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Rick turned and gave me a stern look.
"Calm down."
I looked to Rick with an unamused look.
"They just threatened you."
"They're scared."
I let out an expirated breath and surrendered.
"Fine, have it your way."
I nodded Cerberus over to my side and let the two of them continue walking.
"Cerberus. Here, boy."

Rick looked to the Mexican guy a little confused.
"I don't understand. How are you all dead? They can't get in, right?"

The Mexican guy was silent for a moment as he looked over his shoulder at me, then carefully let Rick go and gestured the both of us to follow, leading us to the front of the store.

His tone became more frustrated.
"You guys know why we came here?"
I narrowed my eyes as Cerberus followed by my side.
"I don't know, nor do I care."
I looked around the store as we passed.
"Though, looting wouldn't be a bad guess."
The Mexican guy nodded.
"Right. You know what the key to survival is?"
I grumbled and didn't bother answering and neither did Rick, though I know it was for different reasons.
The guy gave us a harsh look.
"Scavenging for supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is?"
He looked to the two of us.
"Not getting caught, being quick and quiet, in and out."

He shoved Rick towards the front of the store, but the moment he turned to do it to me, Cerberus growled, so he backed off and gestured for me to look instead.

He pointed towards the doors in a frustrated manner.
"Not popping off rounds and making a bunch of noise."
The black guy rushed over to our side.
"Every geek from miles around heard you guys popping off rounds!"
Andrea followed behind us.
"You just rang the dinner bell.."
The Mexican guy gave Rick and I a harsh look.
"Get the picture now?"

When we turned the corner and pushed our way through some clothing racks, we came face to face with the source of the slamming and banging, and to nobody's suprise, it was walkers...
Hundreds of them.

Cerberus instantly began to snarl as he watched them, his body lowering and fur spiking up down his spine. I took a moment to crouch beside him and Stoke him to calm him a little as I examined the doors.

However, just as we got to the doors and laid our eyes on the swarm, they managed to crack the first set of doors and stumble through to the second set, instantly making Cerberus growl and snarl as he watched them.

At first I thought it was the weight of all the walkers pressing up against the glass that had smashed it, but...when I looked closer, I noticed one walker was holding onto a brick. The walker had smashed it into the glass, causing a big dent to form, as well as a large crack and with every bang and thump, it only spread.

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