Chapter 8: Underground

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After speaking to us, the Mexican guy, who introduced himself as Morales, rejoined his group to help out T-dog, giving Rick and I a moment to ourselves.

As soon as he was gone, Rick turned to me with a serious face.
"Hey, I wanna ask you somethin'..."
I leaned on my side to face him, my elbow resting on the wall as Cerberus sat on my feet.
"Shoot, though I can't guarantee I'll answer."
He nodded, but was then silent for a moment before speaking.
"You the type that got in trouble? Got a criminal record?"
I let out an amused breath and looked out to the city.
"This because I know Merle?"
"People tend to keep troubling company if they're trouble themselves."
I poked my tongue into my cheek, an amused smile on my face as I shook my head.
"Mm, that what you think is it?"

Rick adjusted his position to look at me better but remained silent, as did I whilst I scratched Cerberus' ears, then looked back at him.

Rick gave me a stern look and spoke when I didn't answer.
"I'm aware that's not always the case, I just wanna know who I'm dealing with here." He said sternly, but not harshly.

I remained silent for a moment longer, then gave Rick an offended look.
"So you think I'm like him?"
He shook his head.
"No. If you were, I highly doubt you would've just stood there as I cuffed him."
I let out an amused breath.
"What are you basing that on? 'Honour among thieves'?"
He shook his head.
"No. Intuition."

I hummed and tilted my head as I scanned his expression, debating whether to tell him a little about myself or not. It wasn't really his business, and I certainly didn't trust him, would be nice to stick around long enough to see Daryl. To make sure he's alive at least.

I let out an amused breath and looked back out to the city with a blank expression.
"Merle's not my friend. He's the brother of a friend. Both are hot tempered, but the others not nearly as bad."
I watched the walkers sway below.
"I wouldn't consider him "company", rather, I had the pleasure of bumping into him a lot in my line of work..."
He raised a brow.
"Your line of work? What did you do?"
My lips curled into an amused smile as I looked back to Rick and nodded down at Cerberus.
"I suppose you could job was similar to yours in a way.."
I tilted my head, a small amused look still on my face.
"Does that settle your thoughts? Or do you still think I'm a criminal like everyone else?"
He pondered for a moment, then looked to me with a serious face.
"What you were or weren't in the past doesn't concern me."
He nodded to the streets below.
"Far as I know that's the past."
He looked back to me.
"What concerns me is how you act now, if you're a threat to others.."
He then nodded to Cerberus.
"And whether he is too."
I hummed and looked to the walkers below, but still watched him out the corner of my eye.
"If I were, you would've been dead the day I met you and Morgan."
He nodded.
"I know."
I then nodded to Cerberus.
"And like I said, he doesn't attack without reason. He won't bite anyone unless they try to harm him or myself."
He nodded slowly.
"Good to know.."
I looked back to him and raised a brow.
"You're taking my word?"
"I have no reason not to. Far as I'm concerned, you've done no wrong."
He tilted his head.
"And you're hardly guilty by association. I just wanted to ask."
He glanced at Cerberus.
"As for the dog, I've witnessed myself that he only gets more aggressive when he's threatened. I just wanted to make sure. Never hurts to be safe."

I paused for a moment, then softly laughed.
"How suprisingly understanding of you..."
I nodded.
"But thanks."
He nodded and leaned back from the wall.
"I don't trust you, but I'm hardly going to hold that against you right now. Trust isn't worth much if we don't get out of here alive."
I let out an amused breath.
"Someone who has their priorities sorted..."
I gave him an amused look.
"I don't trust you either, but I at least respect that."
He nodded.
"Then that makes two of us."

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