Chapter 5: Run For It

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Rick quickly took the walkie and called out to whoever was on the otherside. I wasn't as keen as he was to replying to the stranger, but I suppose we didn't exactly have much of a choice at this moment in time...

Rick frantically called out through the walkie multiple times.
"Hello? Hello!? Are you still there?"
It was silent for a few seconds as the radio crackled, but then the strangers voice came through once again. A young man's voice.
"Ah, there you are, I was beginning to wonder if you were even alive in there..."
I took the radio from Rick, my tone slightly sharper than his.
"Where are you? Can you see us?"
"Yeah, I can see you, well, I can't see you, but I can see the tank. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news."
I grumbled slightly.
"No shit sherlock..."
Rick took the radio back.
"There's good news?"
"Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you that we're a little concerned in here.." Rick replied.
"Oh man, you should see it from over here, you guys would be having a major freakout.."
I leaned against the wall.
"I doubt it can be worse than what we just ran from."
"Got any advice for us?" Rick asked.
"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it."
"That's it? Make a run for it?"

I paused for a moment, considering the strangers words, then nodded my head side to side.
"His way isn't as dumb as it sounds, remember the horse?"
Rick turned to me.
"How can I forget?"
"Well, most of the walkers probably would've forgotten us by now in favour of eating what's left of it."
The guy on the radio interjected.
"Right, exactly. They'll be distracted."
Rick shook his head.
"Still, there's a lot of them, one horse won't keep them busy for long."
I nodded my head to the side.
"Then we be quick."
The guy on the radio spoke up.
"You've got eyes on the outside here, if you want out, this is your best shot."
Rick sighed and reluctantly nodded in agreement.
" are we looking?"

There was a brief pause, then the guy started to explain our plan of action.
"There's one geek still up on the tank, but the others have climbed down to join the feeding frenzy where the horse went down, just like your friend said. You with me so far?"
Rick replied on the radio.
"So far.."
The stranger continued.
"The street on the other side of the tank is less crowded, if you move now, whilst they're distracted, you stand a chance."
Rick interjected.
"What about that duffle bag I dropped out there? And guns, can I get to it?"
I gave Rick a blank look, then realised something.
"Are you seri- Oh, you're missing your cowboy hat too.."
The guy on the other side sighed.
"Forget the bag..and the hat, ok? It's not an option."
I whistled softly.
"Well damn, that's a shame.."
I couldn't help but smirk slightly at Rick.
"It suited you."
He grumbled slightly and shook his head, but before he said anything the guy on the radio interrupted.
"What do you both have on you?"
"Hang on." Rick replied.

He put the radio down and began to count out his bullets, double checking that we hadn't miscounted them earlier. He also counted the bullets in the clip of his sidearm, his hands shaking and his body sweating as he did so, clearly distressed.

Rick looked to me after snapping the barrel of his revolver closed.
"One full clip and.."
I crossed my arms.
"I didn't know you had two guns.."
"One's backup."
I shook my head side to side.
"Makes sense for a cop I're not completely unprepared then.."
He ignored my comment and nodded to me.
"Full house, plus one. You got a gun?"
I shook my head.
"You know I don't, they're too loud."
I patted my side and nodded to Cerberus.
"I got my knife and bat, as well as Cerberus. That's more than enough to get us out. Save your bullets, I'll have your back."
He gave me a cautious look.
"Are you sure? You can't take on that many alone...and Cerberus is only a dog..."
I shook my head.
"You'll only draw more in if you fire off any rounds, besides.."
I grumbled slightly.
"I don't want you upsetting Cerberus again..."

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