Chapter 9: Guts

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long, but I'm back!

I'm not too sure about this chapter so I'd appreciate feedback on it (if you want obviously.)

Anyway! I love you all and...enjoy!


Once we got back to the roof we checked over the edge again to see if any new escape routes had opened up, but, sure enough, there weren't any.

I decided I'd sit by Cerberus and stroke him for a moment whilst the others did...whatever they were doing. I'm sure seeing all those walkers must've stressed him.

Rick looked to T-dog.
"How's the signal on that thing? Manage to reach your group?"
T shook his head as he lowered the walkie, then scowled at Merle.
"Like Dixon's brain. Weak."
I sucked in some air between my teeth.
Merle flipped us both off.
"Go fuck yourselves."
I smirked at him as I scratched Cerberus' ears.
"I have. And I must say, I quite enjoyed it."

He grumbled and flipped me off, but before he could retort, I got up and joined the others by the edge of the roof, but not before signalling Cerberus to keep an eye on Merle...

I casually rested beside Rick and peeked my head over the edge.
"Find anything?"
He nodded his head side to side.
I raised a brow.
He passed the binoculars to me, then pointed to the distance.
"The white cube van, you see it?"
I put the binoculars to my eyes and scanned for the van he was on about.
"By the construction zone?"
"That's the one."
I took the binoculars from my eyes and handed them back to him.
"What about it?"
Glenn looked to me.
"Rick reckons if there's a way to get to it, we can use it to escape."
I glanced at Rick with an amused expression.
"I didn't know they taught cops to hotwire cars..."
He shook his head.
"They don't."
I raised a brow.
"Then how are we getting that vehicle?"
"Those types of trucks and vans tend to be left unlocked with the key in the ignition."
"How'd you know that?"
"Safety protocol."
Morales sighed heavily.
"It'd be a great idea...if we could get to it."
Glenn nodded in agreement.
"There's no way we can get over there with so many geeks inbetween."
Rick thought for a moment.
"Is there no way around them?"
Andrea shook her head.
"As soon as they see or hear you, you're dead."
"We can't sneak past somehow?" He asked.
Morales shook his head.
"There's no cover. And you'd be trapped in a dead end before you know it."
Rick thought for a moment.
"Can't we distract them then? You said they run to sound."
Glenn nodded.
"Like dogs to a whistle. They hear sound, they come."
I glanced at Cerberus, then to Glenn, who quickly caught my gaze and laughed nervously.
"Aha..haha..what I meant was-"

Rick was quick to interrupted and continue planning.
"Then surely a distraction will work."
Jaqui shook her head.
"Not from here, it's too risky. We could end up drawing more in."
Rick rested his hands on his hips.
"Then what do you suggest?"
Glenn shook his head.
"It's a good idea, but we don't have anything to distract them with."
Andrea glanced to me, then to Cerberus.
"What about her dog?"
I scowled at her.
"Excuse me!?"
She nodded to Cerberus.
"His barking can darw them away, and he's small enough, I'm sure he can-"
I angrily pointed at her.
"Do not even suggest we use Cerberus as bait."
She scowled.
"So what!? That mutt is worth more than-"
Merle hollered from behind.
"Ooh, you gon' done it now blondie."
I glared at Andrea and started to approach her.
"Don't you even dare to-"
Rick was quick to block me and gently pushed me away.
"Calm down."
I gave him a harsh look.
"Calm down? When that mop-headed bimbo-"
Andrea screeched as she shoved the others out the way.
"What the fuck did you just say!?"
I glared at her.
"You heard me. Or are you deaf as well as stupid!?"
She gritted her teeth as she approached.
"You little-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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