Chapter 7

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"Why are we here?" I asked, my voice tinged with confusion and curiosity.

Cody and I walked up to the shore, the sound of the waves crashing gently in the background. The setting sun cast a golden glow over everything, making the moment feel surreal. Cody laid the blanket down on the soft sand and began unpacking the picnic basket with a determined look.

"Just trust me," Cody said, smiling mysteriously as he spread out the blanket.

"Okay, but this better be good," I replied, trying to hide my growing excitement.

"Here, give me your hand," Cody said, reaching out.

I hesitated for a moment but placed my hands on top of his without questioning further. His touch was warm and reassuring.

"Now close your eyes," he instructed softly.

"Alright," I giggled, closing my eyes and feeling a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.

The world around me seemed to fade away, leaving only the sounds of birds singing and the waves gently crashing. I felt Cody's presence move away, leaving me in a brief moment of solitude.

"Stay there. And keep your eyes closed," Cody's voice drifted away, adding to the suspense.

I waited, my heart beating faster with each passing second.

"Okay, open your eyes," Cody's voice returned, now filled with excitement.

I opened my eyes and gasped. Right before me was a beautiful, sparkling diamond promise ring.

"Oh my," I whispered, stunned by the sight.

"Cody..." I said, still in shock.

"Look, I know what you're going to say, but just think about it," Cody suggested gently.

"No, it's not that. I just... Well, Cody, what about the move and everything?" I asked, my voice trembling as we both sat back down.

"Hey, it's not even confirmed that you're moving anywhere. And if you do, we'll find a way to be together. We always do, right?" Cody stated, his eyes filled with determination.

"You're right. I'm sorry," I agreed, feeling reassured.

"Now, may I?" Cody asked, holding the ring box open.

I watched as Cody slid the ring onto my finger and kissed my hand.

"It's beautiful," I said, my voice filled with awe.

"Just like you," Cody replied with a smile.

I laid my head on his shoulder, feeling a sense of peace as we enjoyed the breathtaking view together.


"OKAYYY, show me the ring right now," Sage said excitedly.

I held up my finger to the laptop camera and showed her the ring.

"Awhhh. It's so pretty, I'm so happy for you!" Sage squealed.

"I know, right? I haven't told anyone yet, and I'm so scared to tell my parents," I admitted.

"Why? Don't you tell your mom literally everything? What's the worst that could happe-"

Before Sage could finish, my mom walked in. I quickly lowered the computer screen.

"Did you not hear me the first three times I called your name, London?" my mom asked, clearly annoyed.

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