chapture 2

22 1 4

Hi I am really sad at the moment so some parts are going to be safer or just out right horrible
Life isn't easy

An for fucks sake read the first part you won't know what the fuck is happening if you don't.

| Next day |

As the birds sang and the sun shined. Arthur slowly opened his eyes, it's the early morning, sun only just came over the horizon.
As he wakes up in the morning and goes outside and takes a deep breath ,he smiles because the wind carries the smell of blood from nearby.
"Nice " ne comments and turns back and goes inside. "Time to make garlic bread "
He puts garlic bread dough that he prepared yesterday into the mold and then into the oven.
As the garlic bread started to brake the house starts to smell amazing from the garlic and the bread.
"Smells as good as ever " he says giggling and grinning from ear to ear.
Just like that the time was up and Arthur took the garlic bread out of the oven. The amazing smell becomes stronger . The entire house is filled with it.
"Now to let it cool" he says sa he placed it on the table and sat down.

|10 minutes later |

There was a loud bang on his door.
Arthur just shrugged it of and continued to wait until the garlic bread cooled a bit more before he cud take it out of the mold.
The banging continued and became stronger over time. Arthur was getting anoied and went and opened the door.
He sight, because yes it was the damed guards.
" You are under arrest. Come quietly or we will use force."Said one of the guards confidently.
Arthur sighd and asked "Can I atleast eat my garlic bread before I come with you?"
A guard who looked like the leader said "No, guys take him away "
The guards apprehand Arthur and drag him away while Arthur winde that he wanted his garlic bread
" I want my garlic bread...."protested Arthur while he was dragged away from his home.
After some time the guards had dragged Arthur to the Supreme Court and chained to the accused stand. While he still was waining that he wanted his garlic bread.
As the trial dragged on for hours on end, it finally ended when it was already pich black outside. In the end Arthur was accused of 58 crimes big and small. He was dragged into a dirty and small cell, where he spent the night.
But you might be wondering what was the verdict of the trial, well if your not stupid then you know it's execution by fiering squad.

|yeah that how he got here|
|flash back end|

It's longer than the last one with 450 words 🥲

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