Chapter 10 (2)

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Character 2

So why did I start the second chapter here? No ,it's not because of the cliffhanger or any reason you think. Just Google told me they 3000 - 5000 words are in a longer chapter, usually 2000 - 4000 words are in a chapter. And because I wanted to write chapter again. So where did I left of … oh yeah, I remember.

So as the door was opened the Prince and the king's guards stepped in. Arthur placed his cup down without making a sound, slowly turning his head thords the people with a monotone face, you know one of those that you have when someone interrupts you when you're doing something you like.
“Yes, what is it?” asked Arthur with leting the other party to speak first.
“Oh,” the Prince said when he saw the intruder who Arthur had previously ‘kidnaped’ tied to a chair,” so can we take him?”, he asked pointing at the guy tied to the chair .
“Yeah, sure sure” Arthur said with a smile as he siped his tea.
The guards took him away and the price excused himself. As Arthur sat there alone drinking his tea he sighed and turned his gaze thords the balconies glass door, looking at the early morning sund and birds chirping. As he zoned out a bird landed on its nest on the tree near Arthur's balcony, it had a eag in its nest. The bird sat on his eag happily. As Arthur stared into the endless abyss of the world, into nothingness but at the same time into everything. Arthur was pulled out of his trance by a maid knocking on his door, bringing him his breakfast. The maid brought the breakfast in placing the food Infront of Arthur, she collected the empty cookie plates. Arthur turned to her and asked,:” if you cud chose to be either Rich and famous but never find true love or be lower middle class but be together with your soulmate. Which is ne would you pick?”.
The maid though about it while cleaning the small table,” I personally would pick the second one,” she said while turning to leave.
“I don't get why everyone picks mostly the second opinion” mumbled Arthur to himself. “Enjoy your breakfast” said the maid before leaving. As the maid walked thourdse the kitchen through the long and similar corridors she mumbled to herself “what a strange question,” she chukled to herself as she headed into the kitchen and placed the plates in the sink.
Arthur had started to eat his breakfast, slowly schewing, gulping down the food he shudderd trying his best not to gag. Even though eating was a simple thing to everyone else, for Arthur everything placed Infront him right now was inedible.

461 words

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