chapter 7

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Hey, good day and let's continue

As Arthur walked to the door his mind raced through the thoughts of who and warum.
He opened the door and no other verent some important people with news there just a maid.
"The King has requested your presents Mr. Arthur" said the maid respectfully.
"Ok, lead the way " responded Arthur with a bit of confusion and worry of what to come in the near future.
As Arthur followed the lead of the maid he got more nervous with each step, did he do
something wrong, nah that can't be it he thought, son why, .
As the maid showed the way They casually made their way through the castle .
As they neared the king's chambers, there were no sound herds , only thing was Arthurs and the maids' footsteps and breathing.
As the maid pushed open the huge doors , it still looked the same as when Arthur visited for the first time, well except the guy who deals with the kingdom's mony affairs was also there.
"Ah, Arthur, you came quicker then i thought, come sit down" greeted Arthur Garry and invited him to come sit down.
although Gerry was bedridden, it didn't stop him from having food in his bed, yeah he was eating the last of the garlic bread.
"Hello, "greeted Arthur "may i know why I have been summoned for at such a late hour when i cud be sleeping already?" added him with a hint of sarcasm.
"My boy your as sassy as ever," chukkeld Garry "i just wanted to ask, have you decided what you want as your payment, ..., money, pover, strength, i can give you anything and everything you can think of." said Garry with pride.
"I did actually think a bit about it" sigeth Arthur " but truth be told i didn't come up with anything" continued he bluntly " it just aint easy."

In total, 324 words
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