Chapter 9🥲

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Hello again, you narcissistic little shits, how I adore all of you.
Sorry for not writing long, wacation is amazing.

Now let's continue, ok?

I'm writing this knowing I'm suffering because my grangranma died , but I know I made a friend suffer because.  They are also writing a book and made a mistake of writing a word with the 2 first letters being capital letters,  but except of telling them where it was I just told them to find it, then sending a meme: the suffering is Neverending and invincible and after that a meme : let that sink in.
I'm a great person I know. BTW the mistake was at the end of chapter 2,I told her now because I'm half way through chapter 3.
Now to garlic bread.
It had been a normal day for Arthur and nothing seemed amidst, and there wasn't.
Arthur slept well, but waking up I'm the night for a glass of water and a midnight snack ist normal. As Arthur walked to the kitchen he saw that the light was on . He walked closer peeking through the cracks in the door. He saw a hooded figure packing up a stab wound on its arm. Oh well. Arthur just walked in, nobody disrespecting kitchen. He strides thordse the intruder, the intruder had already noticed him and was escaping from the window.  But oh no,  Arthur can't let such a insult go so hi karati chops the hodie guy, and ko’s him.
When finally the intruder woke up ha was tide to a chair infot of a table with tea and cake,  Arthur sitting across from him reading a book enjoying some tea and cake, like a normal person at 2.AM.
Like that the hodie guy and Arthur spent the rest of the early early morning. We should give hidie guy a name, what about Bob.  Yeah.
Bob wast happy, he was scared, he seemed to have something to hide. But Arthur didn't give a fuck, he was enjoying a nice fantasy book about something not so fantasy to him, some war, guns ,tiger tanks,you know the usual, “fantasy”.
In the early morning hours ( not to be mistake with the early early morning hours), someone had knocked at his door at a normal time of 7.⁴².am.
The door cracked open and in steps the…

That's for today,now stop staring at your phone, you little kitty,  go do something productive, instead of sitting in a dark room on your phone. 

That is 427 words

Love you guys ❤️

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