chapter 6

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If you actually read this far, you either actually liked the story or your my friend who I forced to read this.

After the bread finishiched baking in the oven, Arthur takes the garlic bread out of the oven and places it on the table to cool down a bit because it was too hot .
After some time they cool down enough to eat but still being warm and delicious . He takes the 10 lofes he backed and takes them to Gerry. no i didn't go and check what his name was i actually remembered the damn name but still don't know who is in my class after 2 years, well time to continue.
So, Arthur takes the 10 lofes of garlic bread ti Gerry aka the king of the kingdom and his dead parents friend i guess.
As he once again steps through the ginormous golden doors of the king's room , ye we midget.
“Hmmm” sayd Garry noticing Arthur entering with him coming the wonderful and beautiful smell of freshly baked garlic bread .
“Hi, “ said Arthur warmly and with a big smile plastered across his face. “ I finished my end of the deal , so enjoy and we'll talk about your part later” says Arthur as he's about to leave .
“Yeah, thank you, and I'll see you later” says Garry, happy and smiling , starting to eat his freshly bought garlic bread and enjoying himself because the garlic bread tastes exactly like Arthur's dad’s garlic bread tasted like , happy tears rolling down his cheeks. The meanwhile Arthur went back to his room , he was still not used to the fancy dezine of the room and wished that he could be back in the simpel room he lived in a long time ago, a very long time ago.
as he laid down on the large bead and sank into the mattress he thought what to ask as his payment for just baking some garlic bread , thinking and thinking.
As Arthur thought for what to ask for he sank deeper into the sheets of the bed. Eventually he fell asleep on the bead that was about 20 times too big for him.
Dreams are great there awesome dreaming is like a escape from reality, it's like a saying i use if not diagnosed there is nothing wrong wit you, not depressed, no adhd , nothing you have no valid reason to be sad so , im not sad i'm just disappointed in others for thinking they have a valid reason to cry for getting a bad grade like its 1 grade it changes nothing if you want to become a professional athlete.
Well I think i taked long enough about my life.
Let's get back to Arthur , ok?
So after Arthur slept for a couple hours , and had a nice dream about the past . No i'm not writing what he dreamt about , you have a brain use it for thinking up the coolest story , the best dream will be written in the next sleeping scene , there will be them , and i will credit the writer,
Ok, so Arthur wakes up well rested and takes a well deserved shower.
After the shower he puts on fresh and clean clothes.
The moment he finished putting on all of his clothes there were 3 knocks on his room door.

So this was 568 words

I'm proud of you, and good luck with what you're doing. 💝

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