Students Entering their First Day to School

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Simon Dusky adjusted his glasses. Sweat dropped from his dark skin, anticipating numerous scenarios and dropped his airpods into the case. After a conversation with his new step mother, he knew there was a lot to expect: meeting his new sister for the first time, students that hopefully had higher maturity levels than his peers in middle school, and performing better than before.

Hoping his wavy hair was well combed, the acne cream covered his pimples, and the lotion didn't make his skin too glossy, he entered into the giant fortress of a school.

"Welcome to Empire High School! Please tell us your name! Go to here, here, and here! Your classroom will be here!" All things he expected to go, not really caring and mentally sleeping through the assembly. Once they were told to leave, he was the first to jump out of the auditorium, searching to not deal with the packed hallway.

As he found the right floor, he bumped into a woman about his height, a dark skinned girl with a comb over, the dress code down to the letter in a silver-white dress, and white shirt, with a ribbon. In contrast, he had a polo blazer and the khakis.

"Sorry about that."

She only turned to him with a neutral expression, waving her hands and looking over a schedule, about to head to the same place he did.

"Guess you're not good with people either."

She turned back. "I just find that unnecessary. You don't get a grade for friendship, do you?"

He sighed, almost taking it as an insult until noticing her face grew a little lost. "I guess, but it'd be nice to have some for participation. Trust me, I wish there was," trying to think of a joke. "I'd guess we probably start off with a low grade."

"I only think about getting the best possible grades."

"I used to too. Middle school beat that out of me."

"Then the problem isn't the school, it's you."

He was about to suck his teeth, but the hallway quickly grew crowded. They waited in front of the class, avoiding the reactions of different students.

"Wait, we're in the same school?"

"Urgh, we're never going to graduate!"

"Hope there's some cute guys in our grade."

"Wanna get this over with, let's just get to college!"

Her bag looked much more prestigious than his, which needed to be stitched over. "What's your name?"

"Felice Haystrum."

"Simon Dusky," yawning. "I'm guessing you don't have any friends here either?"

She shook her head.

"Yeah, me neither," until he peered his head in front of them. "Is that...Anthony?"

A more light-skinned, tawny boy caught his eye, talking to people more than usual. Her eyebrow raised. He took that as she was curious.

"He was my best friend in this kids program, but I haven't seen him in like three years since school took more time. We used to play in the toys section all the time. And he'd defended me from bullies," looking back on the old days. "Back when things were easier," sighing. "I hope he's in our class, I could use a friend."
She opened her mouth as he walked forward. "Hey, Ant-"

A male slightly an inch taller than both of them forcibly bumped into him, almost pushing Simon into her.

"Hey, watch where you're going! Almost made me hit her."

The young man just as dark as him turned around with his uniform untucked, a messy collar, and a comb over pompadour. "Oh look, a couple of nerds with no social life. What you wanna fight?"

Haven't heard that one before. He rolled his eyes. "Why would I fight someone who's clearly too blind to see someone in front of him. Sounds like you need glasses too."

His ears caught Felice hiding a chuckle.

"You wanna fight?"

"I just told you no. You wanna fight, go play Street Fighter at home or something."

"Oh, you wanna take this in the middle of the street after school?"

Simon tilted his head. "Huh? I don't wanna see you at all."

Several other students around them huddled in a circle, some on the line, others either to see what was going on.

"Wait the guy in front of four-eyes? Isn't that Mince Sorbet?"

"That rich family of models? Lucky guy. Why's he not at some upper state school?"

Whoa, sounds bigwig.

"Are they going to fight?"

Seriously? Why did not expect any better. "This is dumb, can we just move on?"

"You calling me stupid?"

"No, I," seeing him back step and moving his fist.He dodged it in time, making him hit the locker.


He sighed. "-don't want to fight you." He barely dodged Mince's fists to the face, accidentally tripping over Felice's feet as he fell. Crap, trying to regain his footing as Minus went for another punch. He was about to dodge until remembering she was behind him.

His glasses got knocked off. The crowd of bystanders gasped in shock,assuming he got hit. Felice gasped, grabbing it in time as his head hung, so no one else could see his reaction.

"Yo, you okay," he asked. She was the only one who noticed he knocked off his glasses by mistake saving her from Mince's fist.

"Um yeah," pointing to him struggling to hold Mince back.

"It's okay. You just have to find ways to fight back," slightly swinging and seeing no staff in sight. Then I'll have to get creative. He pushed his hand away, seemingly falling to the floor. Mince laughed.

He kicked off the locker in a flash, racing right through the bully's lowered guard directly to his fist and throwing a quick fist. Mince flinched, covering himself as gasps were heard around the hall. But no one got hit.

The aggressive male lowered his hands as Simon opened his mouth, unleashing a loud burp to Mince's face and leaving him dumbstruck.

Felice blinked, unable to hold in her laughter as others nearby started snickering. Simon held his stomach.

"You should've seen your face, haha."

Others laughed with him. Embarrassment grew on Mince's face.

"I'm gonna-"

"Gonna what?"

A large person dressed as a teacher stood in front of the three of them.

"Do not ENTER my class until you check yourself," startling the unlikely trio.

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