Students Forming Cliques In the First Month

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Kirby yawned as they entered the building. "Did you really have to sleep next to me just to make sure I was awake?"

Simon shrugged. "Mom said she didn't want us to be late either. At least you could say you're on time for once."

The two noticed their classmates in groups.

"What's going on?"

"Cliques. I told them to sit with people they'd work well with to see their pros and cons. Come in," their teacher said.

"You and me, sis?"

"I dunno. Hey, you could make a clique with Len and Devlin. You can yourselves the nerd herd!"

"Just because we wear glasses? I thought you said to have each other's backs!"

"Oh you wanna be the cool nerd."

"We're all nerds if we made it to high school."

"See, so no problem. Plus you can invite Felice to join," with a sly coy. "I saw you cheering each other on."

"We're acquaintances," brushing it off. Plus I can't just talk to one person."

"Okay, let's see if we can join any group, then try to pick friends from there. Deal?"


Simon first went to Felice.

"Hey, personally I prefer the term friends more than cliques but"

"It'll just be for group work, that's it."

"I know, I know, but if you want someone for participation points, you know who to pick."

"I'll think about it," slightly annoyed as he immediately left.

Next stop was Nikia. "Hey." She put up a pair of scissors at him. "Whoa, let's talk this out first."

She swiped at his hair, collecting pillow feathers in between the blades. "Bed head?"

"Oh, nice catch. Um Kirby and I, mostly I were wondering-"

"You're not my type."

"-if you wanted to be friends instead."

"No. I hate siblings. Your chakra fits in with them," pointing her scissors at Devlin and Len.

"Haven't heard that one before. What's it like having a sibling?"

Her cold stare made him shudder. "Depressing."

"Well if you ever wanna work in the future, let me know," quickly sprinting away to Devlin and Len.

"Welcome to the cool kids section," Devlin stated.

"I appreciate the confidence but let's be realistic."

"What's fake about us being cool? It's always you're too ugly, too big, too smart. No! We are cool just the way we are and anyone who disagrees can shove it up their"

"Language Mr. Drake!"

"Sorry Mister KD."

"I thought you liked things being shoved up."

"Ehh, I roll either way."

Simon smiled. "Well, as long as you're not rolling into an obstacle course, you'll be fine."

"You trying to say I'm too fat to run?"

He sighed. "No."

"Good. Besides, we should show these jocks we're the real deal!"

Simon shook his head. "Not after yesterday. Just be yourself."

"Or better," planning on talking to them later.

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