Students Dealing with A Surprise Pop Quiz

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The siblings walked to school next week, equally tired.

"What did you do this whole weekend? You finished the reading?"

"As if. Hung out with the girls. They're not...that bad. Sharell and Henize are kinda fun to mess with, but I need more brain cells in the others. Plus I can't read Nikia and Mary Kane that well."

"Yeah that's bound to happen. What got you to wake up this time?"

"Oh, Monte said he wanted to meet up early. We talked a bit, and I dunno, I think he's into me," slightly giddy and feeling positive.

Simon stretched his teeth, shaking his head and pointing at a red flag.

"Yes, he's born in America too."

He facepalmed. "Girl, he tried to beat up Devlin and Len during gym and smacked Mince to the floor. I'm defending Mince."

"Oh so that's why Mr. Pershad had to walk them down to the principal's office. How come you didn't get hurt?"

His hands slapped his wrists, annoyed.

"I mean I'm glad you're safe."

"Haaaah. Hid in the shower and threw my shoes at their heads."

"Are you sure the other guys just didn't set him up?"

"I'm not sure, but a follower of a bad leader makes a bad person."

"No one's perfect. Besides, girls are good at fixing guys."

"Tell that to Edward Cullen, Christian Grey, Hardin Scott, the guy from Euphoria who put the gun to that girl's head, and," only for her to cover his mouth.

"Adorable, in one week you're already an overprotective brother. But come on, if he's on a leash, I'll take it off, and he won't mess with the smart squad anymore with me. Would you rather have him date Felice?"

He couldn't help but laugh. "Kirby, that's never gonna work out," imagining Monte trying to flirt with her and Felice just questioning every reason why she could love him.

"Alright, but if he messes up-"

"You'd get revenge for me?"

"-no one hurts my family."

"If it happens. Ease up, okay bro?"

He sighed. "Alright," lowering his guard as they entered the classroom. "For now."

The siblings jumped as the bell rang. "Why is there a paper on our desk?"

Mr. Kaysar Daksh smiled, blowing a party horn. "Pop quiz time! Time to see who did the reading!"

Kirby shook Simon's shoulder. "Help me cheat," she whispered.

"I'm not that great with details."

Felice's head leaned over. "Why, if you did the reading, it should be an easy one hundred, right?"

He gritted his lips together, promising to get to a hundred, ignoring his sister in the process and everyone around them panicking, spiraling into chaos as several of them imagined their teacher as a demonic entity laughing at their demise.

"You may begin!"

Arlene was the first to jump at the reading. "Oh, I read this, and that," answering with ease. "Wait, on page thirty-six, paragraph four? Seriously, how am I supposed to remember that?!"

Elize scratched her head. "We spent so much time hanging out we forgot to read it! Jenzie, please tell me you have a plan!?"

Her aforementioned friend was praying to the gods, circling any answer with her subconscious doing the work.

Bennett groaned. "I tried searching it up but the notes website had a paywell!"

Mary Kane grinned. "Good thing I knew which sites to use in advance."

Edith reached over for her. "Help me out again like last time. Or else."

"Or what, you owe me one, or should I tell Mr. KD you forced me to give you the answers."

"What do you want?"

"Figure out which girl you hate the most, and I'll help you make them miserable."


"Do you want to pass or not?"

"Okay, I'll think about it."

While those two relayed answers, Kirby texted Simon. He sensed the vibrations and crouched down before turning around. "Help me."

"Fine, confident in only three-fourth of the questions," raising his hands. He'd put up the number first, then the correct answer, under the guise of stretching as his shoulders cracked.

"Mr. Dusky, do you have a question?"

"No, no, sorry."

"Then why do you keep raising your hand?"

"Um, I got really tired in the gym and I want to do more exercise. I'll just call your name."

He looked back to see her writing it down, but Monte and Jarrod were also staring at him. Just to test them, he put his hands down and they sucked their teeth.

Are they using her to get to me? He eyed her, shaking his head to them, scribbling with his pencil. She shook her head in denial, but as he turned away, he lowered his head near Felice's desk to see Monte blowing a kiss to her and Kirby's hand reaching her palm.

Only then he realized Felice was staring back at him. "What are you doing?"

"Uh," dropping the intensity built up from her face. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice smile?"

Her face turned stoic. "Not really," sliding her test away. "Don't distract me, finish your quiz."

Haejin's hand shuddered between two options. He called Nikia, who looked dead. She sprung up, answered a question, and flew back down with her eyes closed.

"Is she trying to remember what she read? Let me try that."

He fell asleep seconds after. Mince sucked his teeth.

"Screw this," pulling out the book. "This is too hard!"

"Hey, put it back," said their teacher.

"No," accidentally swinging it with such anger, it smacked Mr. Daksh out. As he tried to pick himself up, the others took out their books in an attempt to cheat until he yelled that time was over.

They got their grades back immediately.

"Simon, Felice, Len, Kirby, Monte, Arlene, Mary Kane, and Edith, good job. The rest of you, get more prepared."

The others had shades of disappointment on their faces.

"Guys, cheer up. Why don't we celebrate at my place if we get through the first semester," Bennett offered.

"Let's do it at my place," Mince also offered, leading to those two to debate who should get it higher.

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