Students Preparing for Christmas Break (Draft)

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Early on the last day of school before Christmas Break, Simon snuck up to the gym seemingly undetected, about to head into the boys locker room.

"What are you doing?"

He turned around to the gloomy girl. "Nikia, what are you doing here?"

"My mom's a teacher, remember? I have to be early, your excuse?"

"Uh," recalling what he overheard months ago.

"Get this, some of the freshmen guys made a slut playbook list and ranked all the girls from easiest to hardest to date. Whoever could get like the boring smart chick by the end of the year wins. We're gonna help them prank her so they can play hero, wanna watch."

"No reason."

"So it's not so you and Felice can be alone together?"

He fought the blush. "Kirby's with us too, that doesn't mean we're committing incest. Why do you think we're going out?"

"Why does mom have you and her always going to the classroom for lunch?"

"Why did you bully her with Edith. I thought goths went against the crowd."

"I," sucking her teeth. "You think I'm like Edith?"

"I thought you were better. I don't know what your beef with her is, but I don't shit talk people for no reason."

"Look I'm not as smart as Felice so don't rub it in, mom does that enough!"

He took a step back as she also realized how loud she was being. "Sorry. Look, what are you doing here?"

"Okay, if you want to know," whispering the details. She gasped.

"Wait, which freshmen boys?"

"Well, the process of elimination, it's not me. But I need to find it. If coach comes, can you hold her off for me?"

Nikia pondered the thought. "Okay fine."

"You gave us fake answers for the test? You lied to us from the start? But you'll fail too!"

"Oh, I don't have to pass," aware of the consequences. "I just have to make sure you don't."

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