A kiss on the cheek

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"Guinevere! Are you almost ready darling?" Guinevere sighs at hearing the enthusiasm in her moms voice. "Yeah, almost." She says. Of course she was excited to see all of her friends again, but not at 9:00 in the morning. She never got why her mom always wanted to leave so early. Okay, being late wasn't as fancy, but being early isn't that great either.

She quickly changes into her clothes and puts some makeup on. "You never know." She says in herself.

She walks down the stairs as she sees her mother standing at the door already. "You're in a hurry." She says. "Being early is not a crime Guinevere." Her mom says with a sharp tone. She looks at her mom. "You know I don't like to be called Guinevere, mom." She has told her mother many times Guinevere just doesn't fit her. Instead, she likes it to be shortened to Gwen. Gwen's mom rolls her eyes. "Whatever Guinevere, we're going to be late."

The coziness, people walking in and out of every shop, friends reuniting after a summer spending apart. She loves Diagon Alley. A small smile appears on her face when she sees all the first years looking around, trying to find the right shop. They are overwhelmed by all the people and hold their shopping list close to them. She looks at her mom, who's already talking to her friends. Gwen's mom is quite popular, that's because her family is bloody rich. That makes Gwen also popular. She liked it. Everyone smiles at her and knows who she is. It makes her feel seen. It makes her feel loved.

"Okay, bye mom." She says. Her mom turns around and gives her a soft smile. "Be careful darling." Gwen gives her mom a wave goodbye as she walks to the book shop. While walking through the door, she takes a deep breath in. The smell of old books. Most people think it's disgusting, but she loves it. She walks towards her favourite section, Muggle books. Running her hands against the covers of the books, she stops and randomly chooses one. Shatter me. She reads the back cover of the book. "Interesting." She thinks.

As she walks towards the register, she bumps into someone.

"Mione?" She says with a huge smile on her face. "Gwen! Oh how much I have missed you!" Hermione says while hugging Gwen. "You look amazing Gwen, like seriously amazing." She smiles at Hermione's words.

Of course she knew she was pretty, people tell her everyday. But it's still different. You see yourself different than other people see you

"Mione you're making me blush." She jokingly said. The girls were catching up after not seeing each other for two months. "Ron's waiting for me." Hermione says while trying to hide a small smile. "Oh come on Hermione, i'm not that half-witted." Hermione gives her a slight push. "I'll see you in the train." Gwen gives Hermione a i-know-nod. Hermione shakes her head as she walks away.

After a while she decides to call Pansy. Pansy is like a sister to her. They tell each other everything, like literally everything.

"Where the fuck are you?" Gwen says impatiently through the phone. "Look behind you mrs. has no patience." Pansy says. She has never turned around so quickly in her entire life. "Pansy!" She yells out making almost everyone look at them. She didn't care, they both didn't care. They gave each other the longest hug ever. "I missed you so much you have no idea Gwen." Pansy says hysterically. She gives Gwen a kiss on her cheek.

"My turn now." A familiar voice says. Gwen slightly smiles as she recognises the voice coming from behind her. She turns around, looking at the one and only, Theodore Nott.

If you're reading this, thank u. whaaaaa omg first chapter done, a million to go. We ended on a little cliffhanger;))

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