Bury it deep down

702 16 9

August 3rd 2011

"Theodore stop! I'm telling mom!" She said while stomping off. "I'm sorry." He said not meaning it.

"This is supposed to be a fun summer children. Don't argue with each other. I will not repeat myself." Theodore's mother said. "Now shake hands." Gwen looked at Theodore and gave him a you-first look. "Nah ah." "Yah ah." "Nah ah." "Yes Theo! You first! You threw sand in my eye!" Little Theodore scoffs and extends his right arm. "Fine." Little Gwen also extends her right hand and shakes his. "Great, now play along." Gwen's mother says.

As they finally make up, they walk towards the sea and sit down on the soggy sand. "Here." Theodore gives her a few stones. She gives him a confused look. "What am i supposed to do with those? Make a necklace?" He rolls his eyes. "No dummy, it's a game called stone skipping." Theodore grabs a stone and throws it onto the sea, making it jump a few times on the water. Gwen tries to hide her impressed face. "Well that shouldn't be too hard then." She says knowing it'll make him mad. "Well you do it then." "Fine." She stands up and throws the stone. It goes straight into the water. Theodore laughs. "Easy right." She gives him an angry stare and he starts to laugh even harder. "You're being mean Theo!" She wants to walk away but she suddenly feels a tight grip on her arm. "Wait. I'll show you."

"Okay. Let's do this." He says while standing behind her. Her cheeks slightly turn red after feeling the boys presence behind her. He grabs her arm and swings it back and forth. "You got it?" He asks. "Uhm, yes. I think i do." She's flustered and tries to hide her face from him. "You're slightly red Gwenny." He says with a smile on his face. "No i'm not Theo." "Yeah right you aren't. You're a big, fat, liar."

When all the stones are in the water, they decide to walk to a bench on the beach. He sits down and she sits as far away from him as possible. Theodore looks confused at the girl, who he just had fun with. He decides to sit right next to her.

"You know, you'll definitely fall in love with me when we're older." The girl was too stunned to speak. "Excuse me?" She kind of yelled. "You heard me, Gwenny. I know a thousand percent you will. I'll hold you to it."

She hates it when he calls her that. It makes her feel younger than him. She is, but that's besides the point. He's only a day older than her and he always teases her about it.

"Not true." She says while narrowing her eyes. "So is." He nods his head. "You're just probably in love with yourself Theo." He's now shaking his head instead of nodding. "Nope, i'm not. But you are." He playfully smiles at her.

The way he smiles makes her stomach feel weird. Her heart starts to beat faster and she can't control her feelings. She didn't know why, but whenever she was around him she wasn't herself. She started to make unfunny jokes, who were like totally not funny. (her words.)

"Theodore, Guinevere, we're leaving." They both stand up and walk to their mothers. "Bye." She says quickly before getting in the car. "Oh uhm, bye?" He didn't get why she wanted to leave so quickly. They didn't even make plans for next time.

After that day, Gwen decides to put those weird feelings aside. She doesn't want butterflies in her stomach whenever she sees him. She doesn't want her heart to break into a million pieces. She knows her heart will if she continues to feel for him. She will be heartbroken, because he doesn't feel the same things she feels whenever they see each other.

I was so excited to write this chapter. I got this idea when i was in the grocery store and immediately wrote it down. Aren't they little cutie patooties :)

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